Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - December 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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December 17th, 2011

Justin & art [Dec. 17th, 2011|11:42 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

I've always had some curiosity about Justin and his career. When would you say Justin began working as 'an artist'? I mean, during the first four seasons we have seen him doing drawings, sketches, mostly of Brian, or graphic stuff for school but it's not until season five and the show at Lindsey's gallery that I noticed he was actually 'producing' art work. Before having his studio in Season 5, where did he paint? because suddenly he was all artist-y and his studio was full of canvases and stuff ¿what do you think, guys?
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