Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - September 13th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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September 13th, 2011

You are sooo good at this homosexual thing! [Sep. 13th, 2011|08:09 pm]
[Current Mood | curious]

All right, so I've been wondering something for a little while about a moment in QAF I can't seem to find. Now, mind you, I pride myself on having seen every episode many times, (I end every day by asking my roommates to give me a random season and episode number to watch.) but I can't seem to find an answer to my question in the context of the show. Hopefully, one of you lovely fans can help me out!

There are numerous references to Brian having told Justin that he wants to make him "the best homosexual he can possibly be." Just off the top of my head--Justin mentions it when he wants to be a dancer at Babylon (S2); he mentions it again during the whole Stockwell debacle with the posters (S3), and of course Brian tells Justin he's become the best homosexual he can possibly be in the finale (S5).

So my question is, do we ever actually see this happen? And if not, when would Brian have said something like that to Justin? My instinct would be early in the series when Justin was, how shall we say, puppy-like, and Brian was enjoying his status as an entity to be worshipped, but then again, I find it a little difficult to imagine season one Brian sitting Justin down and saying, "I'm going to teach you how to be as amazing as I am!" It just seems strange that he would have much of a conversation with Justin at all so early on.

What do you all think?? Did I just miss this completely? Has anyone tried their hand at writing this moment if it's not in the show? I'd love to read it!! Thanks!!!
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