Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 20th, 2011

[Aug. 20th, 2011|07:30 pm]
I've spent several hours today reading various fiction in which Brian and Justin eventually end up having a child (via surrogate or adoption). While a lot of it's ridiculously cute, particularly yoursweater's Elliott verse and alphabet_magic's Max stories, I always wonder about how the decision to have a child would have come about (I've yet to read a fic that, imo, believably discusses this) and if, in canon, a baby would actually ever happen.

I certainly think the show, in some aspects, cracks the door on the matter or at least turns the doorknob, with Justin's "maybe even a family" idea about the future and his and Daphne's talk (I haven't seen it in years, so I can't remember exactly) when they're babysitting Jenny Rebecca in s5, so to me it's not something that comes out of left field. But tbh, my brain almost explodes whenever I try to think of Brian consenting to raising a child with Justin. Not that I don't think it'd ever happen, but it's just imagining *how* it would happen that I can't wrap my brain around.

I know Brian loves Gus, and I don't think he opposes the idea of fatherhood, but being a full-time father? Giving up his fuck-time with Justin in order to change, feed, bathe, and nurture a baby? I find it difficult to imagine.

So....what do you think? In your idea of post-s5 Brian and Justin with their life together going on into infinity, does a baby ever enter the picture, and if so, how? If not, why not?
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