Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - June 29th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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June 29th, 2011

[Jun. 29th, 2011|01:34 am]
I am trying to work out why the end of QAF hit me so hard. I know, sometimes I get emotionally involved with fictional characters (electronic devices are another love interest of mine.... anyway..), but this was something different. I cant watch it without crying and feeling down for a week (or three).

So far I have come out with the following reasons:

- The ending is annoying and frustrating - I kind of want to shake them (which is hard to do to fictional characters). It is not a sacrifice to do what makes you happy. They are sacrificing their happiness by not being together - now that is fucked up
- They could define marriage how ever they wanted to. You can have an open marriage, you do not always need to live in the same place, None of that matters. But, the point is, you are going though life together. You are each others medical proxy, you are the first emergency contact, in your decisions you always consider your partners needs as well as your own, what one does effects the other.
They were there, they could have done it.
- Because, Gd they had something great. Don't through away something that important and that rare.
- Because the writers writing and Gales acting was so fantastic that I think that Brian is real.
- I don't think Brian will ever full in love like that again. Justin might, but I think brian will never have that type of relationship again. Justin is his one chance to be happy.
- Because I dont think I can love again (as a partner not other forms of love. I am quite good at other forms of love, but I digress) or, in the context of me, I dont believe in couples. But Brian didn't either, but then he did, so maybe i do? Maybe I am morning his loss because I deny my own. Naah, I don't want love, I'm fine. Just a bit self obsessed.
- Because if they live in different cities, they wont have so much sex, and I wont get to watch them having sooo much sex.
- Because they went though so much and then just ..ahhhhhhyaaa (frustrated growling noise)

Do these speak to you? Do you have any reasons that I missed?

AM I living vicarious though Brian? Hmmmm
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