Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - March 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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March 1st, 2010

TITLE THE QAF EPISODES [Mar. 1st, 2010|02:41 pm]
[Current Mood | curious]

Pick a QAF episode (“Or two or three,” as Em said in 117), give it a title, and tell why you gave it that title.
QAF famously doesn’t have titles for the episodes. We fans refer to the episodes by number and happenings/quotes. “Chapter and verse” as it were—like The Bible. How ironically, deliciously appropriate.
I never gave that a single thought until today. At least twice a year, I watch the series all the way through. Today, I watched 205. Although I don’t have favorite episodes per se (I’m more a favorite moments kinda broad), this is one of those episodes that contains so much of what I love about this show as a whole.
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