Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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August 28th, 2009

Show & Tell: Romantical!Brian [Aug. 28th, 2009|04:14 pm]


[Current Mood | cheerful]

Brian isn't into romance and yet, he's so very romantical in just about every unconventional way possible. Agree or Disagree? Tell us and/or share your favorite romantical!Brian moments.

Here's one of mine. It is of course from PRIDE, 204.

"Hey Stud, wanna dance? I promise you won't forget this one."

I mean who else can be so sweet and romantical while referencing a tragedy? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that leaves us all swimming in the love!
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