Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - October 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 24th, 2008

teacher.fic! [Oct. 24th, 2008|04:02 pm]
First, a little bit of the history of my involvement with this fic:

[info]_alicesprings pimped teacher.fic on LJ back around...oh...probably 2005. I was new to LJ, and I had been reading B/J fic for maybe six months. I had to jump a huge hurdle just to start reading fanfic 'cos we all know fanfic is all horribly amateurish, even illiterate. Fortunately I started reading fanfic through my friends' recommendations, and even more happily, my friends have excellent taste. I very quickly realized that there were some truly wonderful stories out there in fanfic land, and I started reading omniverously.

Well, maybe not quite omniverously. I knew that I wouldn't like AUs...Brian and Justin in some other 'verse...phui. If I were going to dip a toe in the AU genre, almost the last thing I'd read would be a high school fic. My high school years are far far behind me, and I didn't enjoy them when I was a teenager. Why would I read a fic set in that milieu now?

[info]_alicesprings was very very eloquent, however, and I'd liked every other fic she'd recommended so....

I hope you overcame your prejudices and read teacher.fic. If you didn't, trust me...read it. NOW. And download it AND print it out because AOL, in their wisdom, is trashing it on 30 October. Then come back here and tell me how much you love it. Because you will.


Thoughts about teacher.fic )

Looking forward to your reactions. FanSee
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