Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - October 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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October 10th, 2008

The Fucking Debate: Climate-controlled!sex vs. futon!sex [Oct. 10th, 2008|05:01 pm]


This Sunday at 7 PM EASTERN TIME, [info]happier_bunny and I will meet in a debate here in [info]qaf_coffeeclub. This is a follow-up to the "Fandom Fucking Referendum," still ongoing here. Our moderator, agreed on by both our campaigns, will be [info]hounded. Our topic: Which is the hotter Season Three scene, climate-controlled!ahmaaaazing!sex, or futon!sex?

I will take the ahmaaaazing side, and bunny will argue the futon side. We'll each open with a presentation, followed by a response, and will be allowed to use photos, meta, and fiction to make our points.

After we have made our opening statements, we'll move to a "town hall" format and take your questions. Please submit them in advance to [info]hounded, at hounded@insanejournal.com. He will select a representative sample for our response during the debate.

Viewers are strongly urged to watch episode 311 prior to the debate so the important issues are clear in your minds.

A snap poll will be conducted immediately after the debate to determine the winner.

See you right here, Sunday night, for the FUCKING DEBATE!

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