Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 22nd, 2008

Fanfic Reading Club… [Aug. 22nd, 2008|02:30 pm]


We're ready for our next discussion, and our host this time will be [info]netlagd! She has selected three fics for your reading and discussion pleasure:

Brian Kinney Saves the Universe by Valerie Lewis.

m!Preg a Satire AND m!Preg the Epilogue by LJ's jane2005.

The Wedding Satire also by LJ's jane2005.

As you can tell by her selections, she'll be focusing on the use of satire in fanfic. So enjoy the stories and get ready for a fun, humorous and thoughtful discussion. Hope to see you all there!

[ viewing | August 22nd, 2008 ]
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