Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - June 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 20th, 2008

Friday Fanfic Fun? [Jun. 20th, 2008|08:35 am]


[Current Location |home, home at last]
[Current Mood | chipper]

So here's the idea, what are some of your favorite sentences from fan fic that you have read? Classic Kinneyisms? Words of wisdom from Emmett? Snide comments by Ted? Foot in mouth issues by Michael? Never ending blabbering by Justin?
What makes you smile or laugh? enough that you are willing to go back and read it, or just say "oh yeah" when you re-discover it.

Here's what struck my fancy this morning:
"Justin missed the look on Brian's face when the older man became conscious of the fact that he was a real father. He sat there stunned as he talked to one son and watched his other two children playing on the floor at his feet. Brian scowled at the domesticity of the scene, waiting for the sick feeling of revulsion and being trapped to roll through his body. He was relieved when it didn't happen. Brian Kinney had made a terrible discovery. 'Fuck...I'm happy.' "

I can totally see Brian being disgusted at discovering he is happy.
fic: Songs in the Key of Love - Part 3:Delivered by Rizabeau

Want to play along? add yours in the comments.
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