Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - May 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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May 5th, 2008

Hello all! [May. 5th, 2008|10:45 am]


[Current Mood | okay]

~~~posting here cuz my IJ is in read only mode~~

I know everyone is having issues with IJ right now and while I don't know what's going on, I have faith in [info]squeaky. I'm sure this has to do with the host switch which he warned us all was coming and I'm confident that things will be back to normal (and even better) in no time!

If you're not following this asylum: [info]announcements, you should as it's where all the updates are posted.

This are some of the known issues:
-read only mode
-journals that seem to be blank
-userpics are missing
-database is busy message when posting comments (the comments seem to still be going through though)

The userpic thing is temporary and will fix itself so don't worry about that one!

As for the others, I encourage you to GO HERE and let [info]squeaky know what's going on so he can fix ya!

Believe me, I know this is a pain, my IJ was held hostage all day yesterday and now I can't see it at all and I'm still in read only mode so let's all just hang tight and give him a little time to fix things as insanejournal expands! ~blows kisses~
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