Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - March 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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[Links:| QaF Retread | QaF Marathons | BJ_Action | Love_BJ_Fic | QaF Drabbles | QaF Bunnies | QaF Crack!Fic | QaF Challenges FRIENDING PARTY ]

March 8th, 2008

How old is too old? [Mar. 8th, 2008|01:16 pm]


In some of the interviews and various written up pieces, there have been comments made about the age of Justin's character and whether he could/should have been younger than 17.

I know initially I was put off by an older man going after a younger man, but eventually, I got past the age difference.

I look at the age difference in the storyline of the show and think, I can accept 29 - because, that's not 30 yet, right?

I think that 30 is a barrier, threshold, whatever. Would I have been as accepting of Brian if he were 31 or 32? of Justin, if he were 16 or 15?

Interestingly, Hunter - do we know how old Hunter is? - appears to be around 16. Granted he's lived on the streets, but why is Hunter a child and Justin an adult?

Does a year really make a difference?

Where does the age difference become too much of a difference?

How old is too old, how young is too young?
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[Current Mood | jubilant]

Whether you're a lurker, a little shy or a big mouth like me, we're all here for the same reason: WE LOVE QUEER AS FOLK
and we want to celebrate our love! One of the loudest messages from QaF is about how you can pick your family and that's how I like to think of all of us.
we are family rainbow

Now we just all need to be introduced and that's what this party is for: meeting new woody's friends and 511 family

How does a friending party work? Comment here and let people know that you're inviting others to add you to their flists.
In your comment, please introduce yourself a bit. (see the comments for my intro *hee hee*).

If you don't know what to say, just tell us how you found QaF or fandom or both. What's your fave fic or who makes the best icons? Maybe mention where you live (your timezone). Or, it can be just as simple as commenting with a smile :D.

If you're too shy to comment, please know that ANYONE who comments here is willing to have you add them as a friend. Also, feel free to ask people questions or jump into conversations and know that everyone is accepted and loved, even if English isn't your first language. After all, this is all about TEHLOVE thriving!

In keeping with our Family theme and to add a little music to the party: AFFIRMATION a vid by f1renze


EVERYONE: Please remember to go HERE to see if people have added you.

THANK YOU to [info]qafmaniac for all the graphics and to the party planning committee: [info]notreallyme10,[info]not_yet_defined, [info]testdog65, [info]qafmaniac and [info]xie_xie_xie.
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