Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - December 31st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 31st, 2007

A Question for Writers. [Dec. 31st, 2007|12:26 am]


As someone who has always felt an affinity with Brian, moreso than Justin, I was surprised to find that it was Justin's voice I wrote my first fic with. And my second fic. I made myself write from a Brian POV next, (and it was HARD), but since then it's always been Justin.

I'm not sure why Justin's voice is easier for me to find. I think it's because Brian's pretty much a man of few words. Because so much of Brian's characterisation is about his actions, not his words. Because his emotions are so clearly visible on his face, but maybe not in his words.

But that kinda sucks when you want a write a Brian POV.

Some of the best Brian voices I've ever read were written by people who claim they don't actually like Brian that much, or by people who admit they love Justin just a little more than Brian.

I love Brian maybe just a smidgeon more than Justin, yet I find it impossible to write from his POV.

I think there's a question somewhere in that ramble. I'm not too sure what is though... :D

So, just tell me about finding your characters voices plze.
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I like us, I really like us [Dec. 31st, 2007|04:24 pm]


I like being a new fan. I like it a lot.

That's not to say I don't like oldtime fans, because some of my best friends are oldtime fans. *pets [info]happier_bunny* *licks [info]_alicesprings* *fondles other oldtime fans reading this*

But many oldtime fans, especially those that travel in packs, have this whole scornful riff about Queer as Folk. They seem, you know, to hate it. They hate its creators, they hate most of the characters, and they hate silly, shallow, naive little newbie fangirls who don't know what "everyone" knows about how stupid, idiotic, vile, out of character, and an offense against humanity some, most, or even all of the show is, other than the hotness that is Brian and Justin or sometimes... just the hotness that is Brian.

I tell you, the negativity that permeates the comments I see from some of the oldtime fans in each other's journals... the other day, I saw one say "Do you mean to tell me there is still a Queer as Folk fandom?"... makes me want to claw out eyes, my darlings, and I do not mean my own.

I have a whole theory about fans like me who saw the whole series in one "sitting," rather than seeing it unfold as it aired. I think a lot of fans kind of dug in and entrenched in their idea of what was GOING TO HAPPEN in the coming week or, even more so, the coming season, and when things didn't go that way, they felt cheated or betrayed and experienced it as being out of character or "bad writing" suddenly exploding up out of nowhere.

I don't think the show was any better or worse from one season to the next, although the shorter seasons were too rushed and I feel that it did make the story suffer a bit compared to the longer seasons. Certainly some arcs don't work as well for me as others, but they are peppered throughout the series. It's not like all the S1 arcs work and none of the S5 ones do.

I don't really divide the characters up into seasons -- they exist for me on a contiuum of character development. So I don't have a firm "Season One" Justin or "Season One" Brian in my mind, because I didn't spend any more time in Season One than the 18 or so hours it takes to watch each episode and get 201 into the DVD player as fast as I could with my eyes full of tears and my hands shaking.

If I'd had to sit there for the entire hiatus waiting to see what happened, possibly reading and writing post-122 fan fiction, and talking with other fans, speculating about what had happened and what would happen and what it all meant or might mean, I am positive that my feelings about the show would have been very, very different. Same for each successive season.

Perhaps, even had I watched it in real time but not been involved in fandom, I'd have kept away from the negativity, but I'm pretty sure that if I'd gotten into fandom when the show was first airing, I'd now be one of those sanctimonious oldtimers making snotty comments on LJ and looking down on the new fans and fast forwarding from Brian and Justin scene to Brian and Justin scene and hating CowLip -- if I still even watched it at all.

And that's why I'm eternally grateful that I never watched it or found fandom until I'd seen the whole series (except for S5, which wasn't out on DVD yet), that I found so many wonderful new fans and oldtime fans who still had the love and who loved THE SHOW and not just the Brian/Justin fuckfest bits, and that there is this whole wonderful InsaneJournal community of fangirls with whom I can spend yet another wonderful year squeeing about the love, instead of mocking it.

Happy New Year!
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drama princess v. drama queen [Dec. 31st, 2007|11:27 pm]


[Current Mood | amused]

Who is the bigger drama queen? Brian or Justin?

Comment with some examples and let's see where it leads us. I think we might be surprised to see one Mr. Brian Kinney take the lead. LOL
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