Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - December 19th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 19th, 2007

510 question [Dec. 19th, 2007|02:49 pm]


This has probably been discussed in the past but I'm gonna ask the question anyway.

How many times do you think Brian says "I love you" to Justin at the end of 510? I hear 4 times. I think that last one could be mistaken for a breathy exhale which it sort of is....but I do believe he says it that last time. What do you think?

ETA: This is when I'm hearing it:

1) Directly into Justin's ear (that's obvious)
2) Directly to Justin's face (that's obvious too)
3) When they grab each others faces and pull in for a kiss (sort of muffiled)
4) They pull back from the kiss and go in for a hug (that one sounds sort of like an exhale....but I'm sticking to an ILU!)

I've watched that scene like 59897834987 gazillion times and every time I hear 4. Although, I do understand if others don't hear that last one the same as me. :-)
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507 question [Dec. 19th, 2007|05:26 pm]


Yup, me again with another question. I'm afraid this one may spark controversy!

Back when 507 originally aired there was a lot of talk on the old Showtime boards about whether or not Brian faintly whispered an 'I Love You' to Justin when they were hugging just before he left the loft after the breakup. Does anyone hear an 'I love you' from Brian? Are you running for your DVDs right now to go watch it?

ETA: Okay, obviously everyone here thinks it's a definite no on the I Love You. But, I just watched the clip on youtube and I can see where the idea came from. At 3:44 Brian DOES say something and Justin displays a reaction on his face. Call me crazy.....but I'm having doubts that he doesn't say it. Here's the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csWNXnPtrko&feature=RecentlyWatched&page=1&t=t&f=b
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