Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - November 8th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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November 8th, 2007

When fangirls collide [Nov. 8th, 2007|03:55 pm]


So, I was recently wandering around reading Queer as Folk stuff in my vast amounts of leisure and spare time while procrastinating and somewhere or other I saw someone rec a fic in response to a request and I was all OMG!

And for once it was not because I think the fic sucks, or is crack being recc'd like a serious fic, or is bad!fic that the recc'er doesn't know is bad!fic, which are the usual reasons I go OMG when I read a rec.

No, it was because of the other reason, cruelty to the Justin.

And I wanted to rant and rave and tell her how that whole fic that she loved was nothing but an evil and OOC revenge on Justin fic and start my whole long Justin defense, but I didn't because number one, no one cares and number two, most of you could probably recite Xie's Justin defense in your sleep and it's a big waste of time.

Also, it's rude.

So instead I have a question for you. )

And yes, I'm aware coffeeclub is not a support group for the emotionally unstable. Meep.
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