Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - May 8th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 8th, 2006

Just joined this community... [May. 8th, 2006|05:21 pm]



Original poster: spiritgirl316

I just joined this community, but I have been watching it for several weeks and I like the discussions.

Two of my favorite fics that unfortunately were never finished was 'Complications of the Mind' and 'Acknowledging Fears' by someone named emilya. I liked these stories because they were cannon from season 3. They used the cancer situation as a way to make Brian deal with his inner demons. Because Brian couldn't use his usual pain management mechanisms during his cancer (i.e. sex,drugs, alcohol), he was forced to deal with his feelings. It also explained some of the dynamics in Brian's biological family. There is a real angsty dynamic between him and Claire in which they both realize that they suffered at the hands of their parents. There seems to be the possibility of them forming some sort of relationship. Both Brian and Claire have to help John, Claire's son deal with a tramatic event, which forces Brian to deal with more baggage. Justin is the strong Justin that we all know and love and is there to support his partner. Brian realizes that he wants to fight for Gus. Yet through it all, they maintain that commitment is important but that marriage is not necessarily for them. While the anti-Michael piece may have been over the top at times, the story as a whole was believable and showed Justin and Brian really working on themselves as well as their relationship. I often wonder were Brian and Justin would have ended up if C/L had taken this route.

Has anyone ever read these fics? If so, what is your take on them? I would like to challenge some of you writers to take them on and finish them. The stories are on bjfic.net. If you click on authors, you will find them under emilya782003. Even though the series is not complete, I still find them to be great reads. 'Acknowledging Fears' comes before 'Complications of the Mind'.

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