Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - June 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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June 13th, 2010

MASTERY [Jun. 13th, 2010|06:59 pm]


Title: Mastery
Written By: [info]xie_xie_xie
Timeline: post-513
Author's Notes: That would be telling.

Mastery )
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THE SHOW [Jun. 13th, 2010|06:59 pm]


Title: The Show
Written By: [info]notreallyme10
Timeline: Post 513
Author's Notes: Thank you to my fantastic beta!

The Show )
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HEADER [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:00 pm]


Fanwork: Header: Kinnetik
Made By: lego4everlego_4ever

Timeline: Season 4
Artist's Notes: Brian Kinney built Kinnetik with the help of the blondes in his life.

Header )
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ICONS [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:01 pm]


Fanwork: Icons
Made By: [info]michira_70
Timeline: S1-S5
Artist's Notes: I had no idea what to do with this theme at first, but I came around (I think). I hope it doesn't suck too much, thanks for looking at it ;)

Icons )
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HUMAN BEHAVIOR [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:02 pm]


Title: Human Behavior
Written By: elinas83elinas83
Timeline: Following s3e08
Author's Notes: Brian POV

Human Behavior  )
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THE UNEXPECTED [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:02 pm]


Title: The Unexpected
Written By: [info]ahaw9913
Graphic Title: Swept Along
Artist: [info]maxymama
Timeline: Post 513
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta. The ficlet was inspired by the graphic. Neither the ficlet, nor the graphic are suitable to be viewed at work, or by anyone who is not an adult.

The Unexpected )
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VID [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:02 pm]


Fanwork: Vid
Made By: [info]qafmaniac
Timeline: S1-S5,mostly S5, and an imaginary S6
Artist's Notes: Brian and Justin had to fight for it for five years but they made it.They are still together and that's a REAL milestone!
The song is Look Where We Are by Hoobastank.

Watch Look Where We Are here )

wmv dl link

mp4 dl link
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LEAD YOU BACK [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:03 pm]


Title: Lead You Back
Written By: [info]frantic_quest
Timeline: 5 years post-513
Author's Notes: No warnings. Thank you to my beta.

Lead You Back )
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WALLPAPER [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:03 pm]


Fanwork: Wallpaper (1280x800 px)
Made By: [info]kari77
Timeline: Episode 207
Artist's Notes: No one says ILY without using the actual words like Brian Kinney. I chose this scene for the Milestone Challenge because Brian acknowledges Justin's importance in his life here, with Justin there to hear it.

I want you around for a long time )
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FIVE BIRTHDAYS [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:04 pm]


Title: Five Birthdays
Written By: fanseefansee
Timeline: S2 through post-513
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my new beta for your patience and mad skillz.

Five Birthdays )
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MOMENT OF TENDER HONESTY [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:04 pm]


Title: Moment Of Tender Honesty
Written By: [info]bridgetmkennitt
Timeline: Pre-canon
Author's Notes: No warnings needed. Thank you to my beta CS. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

Moment Of Tender Honesty )
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THE SMIRK [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:07 pm]


Title: The Smirk
Written By: [info]etextraordinary
Timeline: Early S3
Author's Notes: Thank you to my fantastic beta!

The Smirk  )
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TEN YEAR ITCH [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:08 pm]


Title: Ten Year Itch
Written By: wrenkt7ozwrenkt7oz
Timeline: Five years after 513
Author's Notes: This is set post 513. All you need to know is that Justin has come home to Pittsburgh and he and Brian have bought another house (considerably smaller and more intimate than Britin). He is having some success as an artist and Brian is still running Kinnetik.


Ten Year Itch )
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GRAPHIC [Jun. 13th, 2010|07:08 pm]


Fanwork: Graphic
Made By: [info]maxymama
Timeline: Post Series
Artist's Notes: The first and last time Brian gets talked into being in a campaign he created.

Graphic )
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ICONS [Jun. 13th, 2010|10:52 pm]


Fanwork: Icons
Made By: [info]maxymama
Timeline: All seasons

Icons )
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MILESTONES CHALLENGE POSTED! [Jun. 13th, 2010|10:52 pm]


A big THANK YOU to everyone who submitted an entry in the Milestones Challenge. We have 16 submissions posted, woo!

I'd usually put up a list of all the entrants now but I have a cold and a terrible headache and I can't face all the html tonight. I'll put that up tomorrow.

Thanks again and enjoy!
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