Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - November 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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November 1st, 2009

ENOUGH UNTIL THE NEXT TIME [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:45 pm]


Title: Enough Until the Next Time
Written By: lastglanceslastglances
Timeline: Post 513
Author's Notes: Much love and thanks to my betas, [info]arlad and [info]plumduff.

Enough Until the Next Time  )
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TWAT [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:48 pm]


Title: Twat
Written By: u223501u223501
Timeline: Post 513
Author’s Notes: I would like to thank [info]positive_pat for betaing this for me!

Twat )
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NEW ZEALAND [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:49 pm]


Title: New Zealand
Written By: [info]ahaw9913
Timeline: Post 513
Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]suze_y! Just a little PwP.

New Zealand )
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RAINY DAY BLUES [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:54 pm]


Title: Rainy Day Blues
Written By: [info]_alicesprings
Timeline: Post-513
Author's Notes: A big thank you to my wonderful beta!

Rainy Day Blues )
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SNOW AND SHADOW, CHAPTER FOUR [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:58 pm]


Title: Snow and Shadow, Chapter Four
Written By: oasis6028oasis6028
Timeline: A couple of years after Melanie and Lindsay moved to Toronto. They are still there, and Brian and Justin are together, of course.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to Arwensong and Sabina for reading this over for me.

Snow and Shadow )
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SNOW AND SHADOW, CHAPTER THREE [Nov. 1st, 2009|04:59 pm]


Title: Snow and Shadow, Chapter Three
Written By: oasis6028oasis6028
Timeline: A couple of years after Melanie and Lindsay moved to Toronto. They are still there, and Brian and Justin are together, of course.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to Arwensong and Sabina for reading this over for me.

Snow and Shadow )
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SNOW AND SHADOW, CHAPTER TWO [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:01 pm]


Title: Snow and Shadow, Chapter Two
Written By: oasis6028oasis6028
Timeline: A couple of years after Melanie and Lindsay moved to Toronto. They are still there, and Brian and Justin are together, of course.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to Arwensong and Sabina for reading this over for me.

Snow and Shadow )
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SNOW AND SHADOW, CHAPTER ONE [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:02 pm]


Title: Snow and Shadow, Chapter One
Written By: oasis6028oasis6028
Timeline: A couple of years after Melanie and Lindsay moved to Toronto. They are still there, and Brian and Justin are together, of course.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to Arwensong and Sabina for reading this over for me.

Snow and Shadow )
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NIGHT SKY [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:04 pm]


Title: Night Sky
Written By: [info]frantic_quest
Timeline: S2
Author's Notes: Written for the Vacation category. Thank you to the lovely [info]sunshinyday5762 for her beta skills. No warnings. The boys have an educational and fun day at The Franklin Institute in Philly.

Night Sky )
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HEAT WAVE [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:05 pm]


Title: Heat Wave
Author [info]xie_xie_xie
Timeline: Post-513
Author's Notes: Hot weather hits the Pitts.

Heat Wave )
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CELEBRATIONS [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:06 pm]


Title: Celebrations
Written By: sfscarletsfscarlet
Timeline: Post-513, a few years later
Author's Notes: Beta by [info]girloftheburbs -- a fire is mentioned in the story- this is totally fictional and in no way references any canon or any story that I have written.

Celebrations )
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SNOWED IN [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:07 pm]


Title: Snowed In
Written By: [info]etextraordinary
Timeline: Between 308 and 309
Author's Notes: What happens between the agreement in Brian’s office at the end of 308 and the infamous ChaCha scene at the beginning of 309? Mostly just a PWP; with a hint of plot as seasoning. Thank you to the amazing [info]ahaw9913 for her beta skills! And to [info]_alicesprings for hosting the challenge!

Snowed In )
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Title: Justin and Brian and the Terrible Horrible, Very Bad Day
Written By: [info]girloftheburbs
Timeline: Post-513, 4 years later, a few weeks before Thanksgiving
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]sfscarlet and [info]mactwck for the wonderful beta. Any mistakes are mine. I don’t claim ownership to the Queer As Folk characters; I’m just borrowing them for a while. The title refers to a children’s book with a similar title, and I made up the name of Peachton, PA, although it's based on a real town.

Justin and Brian and the Terrible Horrible, Very Bad Day )
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ONE MORE DANCE [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:09 pm]


Title: One More Dance
Written By: [info]florida_minxie
Timeline: Early S2
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]leela_cat for the beta. Boys and all their baggage belong to Queer as Folk and are the property of Russell T. Davies, CowLip Productions, Tony Jonas Productions, Showtime Networks Inc. and others. No copyright infringement is intended.

One More Dance  )
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SNOWSTORM AND HONEYMOON [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:10 pm]


Title: Snowstorm and Honeymoon
Written By: edom56edom56
Timeline: Post-513
Author's Notes: Thank you to my beta [info]taytay4936. There is a blizzard in Pittsburgh and the boys decide to go on a vacation.

Snowstorm and Honeymoon )
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CHANGE OF PLANS [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:11 pm]


Title: Change of Plans
Written By: [info]notreallyme10
Timeline: Post-513
Author's Notes: Special thanks to my beta who went above and beyond, as always!

Change of Plans )
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A DAY IN MAY [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:12 pm]


Title: A Day in May
Written By: fanseefansee
Timeline: S5 or later
Author's Notes: Thanks once more to my fabulous beta!

A Day in May )
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WEATHER/VACATION FICS POSTED! [Nov. 1st, 2009|06:12 pm]


I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the writers (and betas) who took part in this challenge!

We have a total of 14 fics! Fics will stay anonymous for five days before I reveal the authors.

Authors, during this time please do not cross-post or reveal your identities.

And don't forget, the fics are posted at both IJ and LJ, so track both places for comments.

Happy reading - and guessing!

List of Authors )
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