Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - January 6th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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January 6th, 2007

READER POLL [Jan. 6th, 2007|11:10 am]



Original poster: _alicesprings

A somewhat pointless poll, but I'm curious about the answers, so,

[Error: Invalid poll ID 901305]

I'll be revealing the author's and posting the new theme a little later today!

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WRITERS REVEALED! [Jan. 6th, 2007|12:37 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who contributed a story to this challenge! I haven't read them all yet, but I hope to soon.

I'll be announcing the next challenge theme shortly, and I'd love you to all sign-up.

I'll post a full list of writers and links to their stories under the cut, and this post will also be put in the memories here for future reference.

The author's are now free to reply to comments on their fic, and cross post them if they wish. To encourage more readers and writers, a link back to [info]qaf_challenges when you do this would be much appreciated!

Thanks again!

Fic Links )

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SIGN UP! [Jan. 6th, 2007|12:42 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

I'm veeeery excited to announce that the next theme is hurt/comfort! One of my very favourite genres.

As always, all seasons, future fic and AU are welcomed. For a refresher on the rules, check out the user info page. Please.

Sign-ups will close in 10 days, on January 16.

Fics are due on February 19, no later than midnight (USA PST), and will be posted anonymously, in random order, after the deadline.

They'll stay anonymous for 5 days and then the author's will be revealed!

If you want to sign up, leave a comment.


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