Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - September 10th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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September 10th, 2006

FIRST CHALLENGE THEME UNVEILED! [Sep. 10th, 2006|07:59 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

The first challenge here will be the Icon Challenge. - Fic inspired by an icon.

I'm asking for you to leave a comment with an icon of your choice that you would like someone to write a fic about. Or, if you're a writer, and have an icon in mind for your fic, please also leave a comment wth the icon.

I'm looking for icons from all 5 seasons, that would be suitable for gapfiller, AU, post-season fics, anything really!

Icons that are evocative, mysterious, funny or interesting.

And to give the icon makers their due, please also comment with the name of who made it.

You have a week, then I will make a post with 50 icons you must choose from for your fic, at which point, writers can start signing up!

Go for it!

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WRITERS REVEALED! [Sep. 10th, 2006|08:00 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

The writers have now been revealed! See if you guessed correctly.

Writers, you can now reply to comments, and cross post your fic if you like.

A complete list of all fics and writers is under the cut for your convenience!

Thanks to all who took part, and check out [info]qaf_challenges for more. The first challenge has now been posted there!

Complete List of Fic Links )

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