Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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Daphne icons for [info]ahaw9913 [Jun. 6th, 2009|06:19 pm]

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She wanted a Daphne fangirl icon. The original request is here.

I made a few more variations of the one icon I posted in the comments.

Three more behind the cut )
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icons! [May. 21st, 2009|10:11 pm]

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[Current Mood | bouncy]

as inspired by [info]_alicesprings here and encouraged by [info]fun_demented here for "Season 1 Brian: Recklessly Beautiful", I'm posting the icons I made. Plus some that I've yet to give them.

hiding here )
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Icon Bunny Fulfilled [May. 21st, 2009|08:56 pm]

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I found THIS BUNNY here and fulfilled it.

You can find the icon at my journal.
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icon request, icon [May. 19th, 2009|06:06 pm]
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[Current Mood | bouncy]

Hello all!

Would anyone out there in the whole wide (IJ) world be willing to make me an icon with an image of Justin's sketchpad? I'd particularly like an icon with the page where Justin has written Brian's name several times. You can find it in the first few scenes of 104.

In exchange, I will give you a big, sloppy virtual kiss - tongue and all.


Dottie Jane

ETA: Thanks (and big, sloppy kisses) to [info]circadia for the screencap and to [info]fun_demented for making the icon. Come look in the comments for other artist!Justin icons as well.
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Icon Request [May. 14th, 2009|08:22 pm]

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[info]_alicesprings posted here, requesting inspiration (which you should totally go give her). And I answered thusly, s1. Brian: Recklessly beautiful. And then she said that should be an icon and then I agreed. LOL.

Anyone up for making a shareable Season One Brian icon with the text: Recklessly beautiful? Or s1 Brian: Recklessly beautiful? Something like that? You know, but without all the question marks. ;)

ETA - See comments for the great icons by [info]sockfactor and [info]michira_70. Be sure to credit sockfactor and michira, and send them each love.

ETA - [info]eebee made some more and they GORGEOUS.
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215 Icon Lust [May. 12th, 2009|04:38 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was talking to [info]noteverything about the scene in 215 where Justin is returning to the loft after working with Michael on RAGE and Brian is waiting in bed for him. I wondered if any of the icon gurus might be willing to make an icon of Brian in that scene right when he says "come over here" with that text? His voice is just so incredibly dark and sexy, that I lust after an icon.

Thank you in advance to anyone who feels like playing with this bunny!

ETA: See comments for wonderful icons by the lovely and talented [info]kari77 and [info]michira_70.
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Icon Bunny Fulfilled [Apr. 29th, 2009|10:36 pm]

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I found this bunny and fulfilled it.


1 19 26

This way to the big rabbit formerly known as the I would like to have S4 Season of Love B/J icons.
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Unwrapping Precious Package Icon Bunny [Apr. 25th, 2009|03:18 pm]

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I found THIS ICON BUNNY here today and I fulfilled it:


7 13

This way for more tiny pics:
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Icon response [Apr. 20th, 2009|06:07 am]

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[info]happier_bunny had a request for a special icon (see this post).

I couldn't decide which pictures to choose, so I made one icon for each season.
But feel free to ask for any changes you might like to see.

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Black jeep icons [Apr. 15th, 2009|07:01 pm]
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[info]squiffyneko requestet black jeep icons, I took the bunny and made some.

This way to my journal!
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Tease Icons [Apr. 12th, 2009|04:06 pm]
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In response to [info]dottie_jane's request, 4 "tease" icons to be found at my journal
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Icon Bunny Fulfilled [Apr. 1st, 2009|07:05 pm]

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I took THIS BUNNY and fulfilled it.

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Baths icons [Apr. 1st, 2009|12:12 am]

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[info]noteverything asked for a few specific icons from Brian's visit at the baths.

A few more behind the cut )
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More sanctuary icons [Mar. 21st, 2009|03:42 am]

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Since there is no such thing as enough (according to a certain Mr. Kinney), I made a few more icons for the bunny [info]happier_bunny posted here.

6 more behind the cut )
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Icon Bunny 410 Brian's Sanctuary [Mar. 20th, 2009|10:33 pm]

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I found this bunny here and then I made these:

9 19 30

Here is more 410 Sanctuary

I really hope this is what [info]happier_bunny wanted!♥
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Icon Bunnies [Mar. 18th, 2009|02:18 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

I was wondering if any of the icon goddesses out there might be willing to cook up a little something for me (and to share). I have been fantasizing about wanting two icons:

1)Hotel!Sex scene from 110 with Justin flat on the bed, head turned, and Brian's hands on his shoulders (GUH) with the text "Room Service" (if not that exact shot, something hot from that scene.)

2)Justin talking to the Studio Head in 413, looking so hot, with the text "Ass Business"

Please, someone take pity, and give my porny little bunnies a home... :)

ETA: Come check out the HOTNESS [info]qafmaniac made! I'm sharing so please give her lots of love in the form of comments and credit!
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Happy St.Patrick's day! [Mar. 17th, 2009|04:47 pm]
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Would anyone be willing to make a Brian icon with the following words "Kiss me I'm Irish? What a bunch of malarky. How about 'Blow me, I'm Irish" or if that's too much text just "Blow me, I'm Irish". In exchange, I will use all my powers as a red head to get the leprechauns to leave pots of gold near your home.

ETA: Thanks to [info]kari77 for my awesome icon!
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~rimming, rimming, everywhere~ [Mar. 3rd, 2009|04:59 pm]

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't want anyone to miss these fabulous icons.

I posted a request here, the other day and [info]fun_demented and [info]kari77 stepped up and answered my plea and it's only right to share.

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I took the QaF is love-bunny home with me... [Dec. 29th, 2008|04:36 am]

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...and now it's living in my journal.


6 2

Want to come over and cuddle with it?

To all the other icon makers out there:

Fell free to make some siblings for this bunny (which [info]vl_redreign already did) because I don't want them to live alone....and because [info]pendulumchanges needs more icons. ;)
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Animated icons of Teh Twin Brothers [Oct. 2nd, 2008|10:45 pm]

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I found THIS bunny here in [info]qaf_bunnies and now guess what I did....


I took it home with me because [info]happier_bunny begged so persistently...with sugar on top! LOL after I had stolen all the pictures from THIS totally amazing pic spam and this is what the bunny looks like now....


1 12

Do you want more of these animated pics from Teh Twins? )

Feel free to take what you like.
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