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PWI - The Lyric Community for Dirt Sheet

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[15 Mar 2009|01:24am]

[ mood | satisfied ]

Sleep my love
Don't you worry
You just sleep my love
And I'll stroke your hair
Oh the sunlight on your face
As the day begins to break

When you wake
And your smile meets mine ah
My day begins
You're my inspiration
Seeing your face glow
Is the nicest of hellos...

.... )
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[02 Mar 2009|11:10pm]

[ mood | loved ]

Just when fear blinded me you taught me to dream...
I’ll give you everything I am and still fall short of what you’ve done for me
In this life that I live I hope I can give love unselfishly...
I’ve learned the world is bigger than me: you’re my daily dose of reality
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[05 Dec 2008|08:37am]

You need hands, rough not soft
To come and warm you up up in that cold hayloft
Let me hold you little darling
in my big strong arms
Can't get these kind of muscles anywhere but a farm

Luke Bryan ♫ Country Man
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She likes when I'm back ontop of her [03 Nov 2008|01:53pm]

Met a girl, thought she was grand
fell in love, found out first hand
went well for a week or two
then it all came unglued
in a trapped trip I can't grip
never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
She hates me
she hates me
la la la la
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away
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[31 Oct 2008|12:13pm]

Normally I wouldn't stoop so low as to blame the wife, but in this instance I might just do it anyways since I have nothin else I can pin it on since I've missed a lot of new arrivals namely all the other Age brethren & sistren Jimmy, Lace, Tyler, Rain, and Alli Cat, not to mention the man with the most fabulous mustache in all of wrestling Joey, Daz, and my favorite pop princess herself peanut butter & Jilly all of you welcome.

Also, the polls are open Tuesday so don't forget people. Forget Obama and screw McCain. Vote Birch in '08
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that's enough, john mayer. [28 Oct 2008|11:48am]

[ mood | frustrated ]

Yes, I'm grounded
Got my wings clipped
I'm surrounded (by)
All this pavement
Guess I'll circle
While I'm waiting
For my fuse to dry

Someday I'll fly
Someday I'll soar
Someday I'll be so damn much more
Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for
Cause I'm bigger than my body now

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