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Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

    Time Event
    "Dom Gets Lost" (Dom/Billy, LA/Glasgow, Jan 2004)
    Title: Dom Gets Lost
    Authors: [info]msilverstar and [info]slightlywonky
    Pairing: Dom Monaghan/Billy Boyd
    Rating: R
    Disclaimer: There was probably a phone call, but I'm pretty sure it didn't go like this.
    Summary: Dom's got big news and phones Billy.
    A/N: LA/Glasgow, late January 2004.


    Finally Dom's home, and alone. He can't wait to tell Billy the news; really, he's the only person that matters, after his mum and dad. As soon as the door's closed and his shoes are off, he picks up the phone and dials Billy's cellphone.

    What's the news? )

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