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Public Rant Of The Day [18 Jan 2006|02:13pm]

[ mood | awake ]

OK, I saw the news yesterday. The one about 12 innocent people were killed in Pakistan by our troops who were, quote, "looking for terrorists". What a stupid president and army to mistake innocent people for terrorists. I mean, don't you have technology to prevent this stuff?

My god, I'd looooooooooooooooove to move away from this idiotic U.S.A. , but unfortanutely Im stuck in goddamn Michigan, which is likely to flood (I mean, we have the Great Lakes). That's how much pissed off I am about it.......I want the Bush-Cheney term to be done and over with, FOR GOOD.

No more Republicans in office. We've had a corrupt Republican Senate, thanks to Bush and Cheney, and Condomsleaza Rice. And I'd love Republican Stephen Colbert to be off-air. Because he just spouts off the wrong attitude about Bush.

Oh yeah, definitely hate being spied on by the phone, so definitely I want no more Bush-Cheney types in the White House. Bush and Cheney are as corrupt as Richard Nixon, breaking rules of the Constitution and White House repeatedly, like Al Gore said.

It's about time we had a real leader in office, not pussies like Bush and Cheney.
How about Oprah? She'd make a good canidate. Or *yes, I hate this celeb but she'd be perfect for it* Ellen Degeneres.

There, I said it. Now I get to live in my Liberal Democrat mindset, now that this post is done and over with.

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