12th August 2012

[info]helpmeguideit in [info]pseudoporphyria

❝all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream❞

WHO » Charles Xavier & Erik Lehnsherr
WHERE » Lovely dreamlands.
WHEN » First meeting.
WHAT » Charles and Erik meet for the first time in dreams. Literally.
VERSE » ???

Charles had visited the dreamscape several times in the past. He enjoyed that he could occassionally find people, build, and change things. He was always one of the first to try something new. He found that this place had tested his skills to different levels - more than they were ever tested in his waking hours. Charles always brought as little of himself into it as possible. He liked things to form and change organically, while not telling too much about himself. He prefers his waking life and dreaming life to stay apart. The bionics on his legs were the only thing about himself that he never was able to shake off, even in his dream.

It was quiet, as usual. He had found a small place at which he liked to spend time. There were books, a large and comfortable chair, and as always - there was plenty of time. He had barely sat down with a book before he felt a tug at his mind. It was so unfamiliar in his dreams that he felt drawn to it. He dropped what he was doing and started towards that pull.

His steps were slow - cautious, yet curious. He wanted to call out, but he bit his bottom lip and fought it. After all, it would be best to get a visual idea of what (or who) he was approaching. It took several moments before he saw someone. This man must have been what he had felt. Knowing it was a person put him at ease, and allowed him to speak.

"I don't find many people here."