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onepercenters storylines

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[21 Jan 2019|07:01pm]

so this guy has plenty of drama stirring with his old crew of ne'er do wells, but he's always up for finding new and exciting ways of getting into deep shit. he's very loud and just itching to start something. throw anything and everything at him, just no sinks or drinks.
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[19 Jan 2019|10:44pm]

looking for lines for this guy. his name is joaquin, he owns mayhem nightclub, and he's also the son of a puerto rican family cartel. his mother is colombian and had old ties to medellin before it dispersed in the 90s. she's still somewhat connected to the goings-on in colombia. this guy is outgoing, but keeps most of his dealings low key. for the most part, most people see him as a social, outgoing guy but he has a slightly violent streak and a tendency for overkill. it hasn't been anything that's popped up for him recently. he's looking for just about anything and i'd love some lines.
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[18 Jan 2019|10:19am]

lines for this crazy mf and [info]brnly's brother. jeremy's an aces patch who just got released from prison after about 5 years last week/earlier this week. he was in prison for attempted murder and never touched on the rumors but basically it was club related and the judges pockets were very padded to only put him in for 5 years. he's kind of a terrible person, literally doesn't care about anyone, and in my head is a combination of tig/happy. he came to miami when he was 20ish and is 36ish now. he's worked at scotty's since he moved to miami and now lives there while he's on house arrest so he can work. i'm here for lines with all of you lovely people. people who hate him, saints to have beef with, maybe sweets or just females in general he can start to hook up with?
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[13 Jan 2019|06:31pm]
welp, now that she's apped i can do one of these thingies again. this is kyle nicholson, realtor and saints associate. her twin brother, nix will be in game soon-ish too. she's a miami native and has been associated with the saints since around 2009 when she started working with derek to purchase his first home. she does residential and commercial real estate so former and current clients as well as friends, exes of either gender, a current fling thing for fun drama and cute times; whatever y'all need, give me the things. i hate doing these because i never know what to say. just .. love me for my weirdness. how about that?
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[13 Jan 2019|04:00pm]

because i love everyone in this bar, i am hoping to apply tonight with ms millie autzen. she's the owner of mellow mushroom, the adult store, and [info]kimkh's cousin/big sister from another mister. she was born into a toxic marriage and lost her family in one night basically which is when she moved in with her aunt and uncle, who are a saints founding family. she's been in miami her entire life, literally, and went to college before opening her store in 2002. personality wise, she is definitely business minded and the only other thing that matters in her life are her two daughters with [info]aboone which they co-parent after a lot of learning with their first one. give me the goods because i can seriously make this tl;dr if i were left to.
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sorry this is long. [12 Jan 2019|03:07pm]
helloooo~ i'm going to be trying something different with serrie here aka no real heavily solid connections to the clubs, she's only going to have been around since late last year, after most of her school years spent in a boarding school followed by a runaway to los angeles. but usually seen working at either the dog house (as a dancer) and assets (as a bartender unless somebody wants to help me out with a different place?)! so there's not going to be any real longterm connections, except for those unicorns that could have ventured to texas or cali in the past, but what i do want to get is: favorite customers, some casual flings, not-quite-best-friends-yet friends, occasional gym partners, or anything else we can figure out really.

things about serrie ๐Ÿกข bit of a blunt free-spirited type that has a knack for keeping a guard up around most people, ran with the drug trafficking crowd back in the day and eventually took a fall to, well, so she didn't get labeled a rat, she's seen a lot in her life and usually does her best to keep her nose clean...or that could just be because she's on parole,she's highly active in a fitness sense and will be doing fight nights once she learns about them, i think she's going to be renting a room or something from [info]ariabel currently! everything else will be in the bio that i am determined to finish tonight for adds tomorrow.

edit to add bc i'm the worst: [info]stefanni is going to be her long-lost half sister and [info]snchristova is going to be a foster sister!
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[12 Jan 2019|12:57pm]

okay tiny darlings, hello! this here is anise somethingorother! now that i have some time to work on her today, if anyone has the need or desire for a 22 year old daughter, i am here to serve your purposes! also it doesn't necessarily have to be a parent/kid relationship, i'd really just like her to be family to a long standing saints member as she's been loved up with the saints secretary for the last year and a half, just for some tension and weirdness as far as that goes!

in a nutshell, anise is a pretty blonde fairy princess! she goes to college and should be graduating this may with her degree, she's going to be a teacher and she loves kids so if anyone needs/needed a babysitter she was probably there being annoying like "let me watch them, i'll do it, i'll watch them" because she is a weirdo. she loves maths and math jokes, is a smarty pants but not in an annoying way (at least not entirely), but she's generally good people and loves everyone and is nice and tries to be fair with her thoughts and feelings. she never really dated much (oh wow look at that, she coincidentally always had a boyfriend for homecoming/prom/holidays in general) but until she got with boone, she was never really in love and still has these weird moments where she is reluctant to call him even her bf even tho they live together and have built a life together and they're having a baby in a few months. so there's that!

just generally speaking, i'd love one of those boys she casually dated, maybe the one she lost her v-card to "to get it overwith", girls to empower and support and smother with love, people she attended women's marches with, other pregnant ladies to commiserate with, friends and family to love horror films with who can handle her manifestos about the allegory of the nightmare on elm street series (it's about growing up, duh), and other such nonsense! THIS GOT LONG and i am only slightly sorry for it so yes let me know what yall think and let's do the things. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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[12 Jan 2019|12:17pm]

Hello everyone! I'm looking to apply my girl Summer here, and I'd love some lines. I haven't yet chosen an affiliation or really what I want her to do. SO that's where you come in. What do you need or want filled? What would you like to see? I'm currently working on her bio, so things can be added/changed/whatever. Some basics that I have for her are that she's 30 and born & raised in Miami. Since there's not an owner for Mellow Mushroom, I was thinking possibly of having her be the owner of that. Or maybe manages one of the MC's strip clubs? Summer has been reading Boss Lady to me lately, so I'm feeling the need to play that out. From playing her in the past, as far as personality goes she'll remain the same as far as being fiercely loyal to her friends & family. She's a lover, but in a 'fight or flight' situation, she's a fighter. She likes to think she's stronger than maybe she really is (if we're going to get deep). She wants to love and be loved, but she'd never force that.

Anyways, I want to build her more and find her place. I want to write! I miss it like you wouldn't believe. If you want to work something out, please let me know!! I love a good brainstorm.
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[11 Jan 2019|10:21am]

everything for this saints secretary please! he's 39ish and the owner of bbq on tap. originally from georgia, he patched into the atlanta chapter of the saints and was there for almost a decade before moving to miami. he's got a fuckload of kids (4 or 5) with one more on the way because what's any type of birth control? boone's grumpy and gruff most of the time and almost always a man of little words. he's a expert on whiskey in general, but bourbon has a special place in his otherwise cold heart. he's also completely loyal to the saints and the type of person you'd approach to do any dirty work. boone lives with [info]anise and calls her his 'lady friend' if anyone asks outright but they're basically in love/dating even if he can't really admit that to himself and it's common knowledge they're together together.

i'm open to all the connections! people who work at his bbq/bar, has probably slept with all the sweets and even females who aren't sweets, other patches/officers, a guy best friend, people who have tattooed him, literally everything.
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[07 Jan 2019|06:59pm]

Hi Friends, so I finally got her apped and in the game (WHOO!))

She is from Miami and her father was would have been well-known by the clubs, especially the Grim Aces with whom he had been an associate but never a member, but did work for them. Those long time members probably would know her or at least have met a few times when she was younger. Her father is currently in prison and in doing so, passed his part of The Dog House owner ship to Mags. So anyone there, working or patroning the place, will know her. Not that it is her primary job - she's a 2yr surgical resident at Mercy Hospital, an ER trauma surgeon. So if anyone needs stitches or a bullet removed.... just saying :)

So that's her in a quick nutshell. Totally open for lines of all sorts so hit me up.

Jess <3
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[07 Jan 2019|04:07pm]

while i still can remember to do this, meet virginia "ginny" wise, [info]bwis one night stand product. her mama got all giddy when the big motorcycle man rolled on into town and bam! ginny came along a little bit after that. mama gave ginny daddy's last name but didn't tell her very much about him except for when she was dying from (INSERT COD HERE CAUSE IDK YET). that's when she handed three year old ginny a polaroid photo of barney and said "this is your daddy," sweet yeah? since ginny's mom didn't have any living relatives ginny was put into whatever virginia's DCF equivalent is until they could reach barney wise and have him bring his ass up to get his child pending a dna test of course. soooo, she's been around since she was three, was a relatively good child and had her heart set on dancing professionally so she dove into that while barney was away to make sure he was proud of her. she moved away when she graduated high school to attend julliard and ended up running into the brother ([info]jaric) of her childhood best friend one weekend in NY? (i can't remember rn) and the pair have been pretty inseparable ever since; she moved with him when he attended law school before coming home to miami. they have a two year old, are married and she teaches dance to little ones at a dance studio in south beach.

all that being said, will all the wise sibling and cousins hit this post so i can add them to her bio/facts thing when i work on it tonight? also, anyone want to claim to be the one who put all the ink on her body because home girl has quite a bit. looking for a high school ex or two for her, a best friend and anything else. please and thank you in advance, you all are awesome.

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[04 Jan 2019|03:58pm]

okay so this is bianca reed, a 25 year old miami native and grim aces' sweet. i'm still working out how exactly she wound up there, but she's a stripper at the dog house and i'm thinking she became a sweet recently after leaving an abusive (non-affiliated) boyfriend. so being around the club gives her a sense of protection, and i'd love to find the patch who helped get her in with the club. i'd also love to find girlfriends, other dancers, and anything else you've got!
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[04 Jan 2019|03:14pm]

hello everyone! this beautiful man is fergus connelly, nephew of [info]sconl and grim aces patch. he manages cryin' shame, smokes too much, drinks too much, and is a lifelong bachelor. he's been raised by his uncle scotty since he was a baby and considers him his father. he just turned 37 and patched in 2004, twenty years after his uncle did.

i'd love to find patches he might've sponsored over the years, maybe the guy who sponsored him, his twin brother, and girls that he's hooked up with over the years, plus whatever else you guys want! love me!
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[03 Jan 2019|05:18pm]
This is Raphael Battaglia (35) aka Raph, eldest son to [info]martinab, brother to [info]mchj, [info]gbar (and another? help me out here), and cousin to [info]adero. He's a chef at Patrizia's - an Italian restaurant owned by his paternal nonna. Has been a club kid most of his life and patched in '01. He also moonlights on occasion as a tow truck driver (read: chopper @chop shop) and has an adorable 4 yo daughter by the name of Alessia. Not known to him yet, but he'll have another baby on the way on the other side by [info]wilowrse. He needs lines for those that want them! Friends, enemies, fwb's, etc.
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[03 Jan 2019|10:07am]

Hey hey, while I'm working on this guys history, I figured I'd put out some feelers for some connections.

This is Nixon Adair, a Saints Enforcer, and owner of Wicked Wrench. He prospected in 2001, and became an enforcer in 2012. Miami born and raised, he's done multiple stints in Juvi for stupid shit, and has only mildly cleaned up his act since.

He's an open slate as far as connections go, so he could use friends from childhood and guys he met in Juvi, the Saints patch who sponsored him, employees, ex's.... all the things! or, hit me with your ideas if you have any.
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lines, lines, every where there's lines [02 Jan 2019|04:54pm]

i'm going to be short but sweet with this, i'd love some lines for [info]tabbri here. he's already got his family connections, but i'd love his baby momma to be around.

also i have five more characters in the game and 4 more more i need to apply for. trying to weigh the pros and cons of posting on each account for lines.

alright the pros lose and i'm just posting it all here, so if you want to discuss some lines with [info]agstnkli, [info]atheasl, [info]embrcrx, [info]huxlevi and [info]wilowrse which are the 5 already applied for & accepted. [info]casalek, [info]jmesntrny, [info]kingwolfe and [info]zonaruiz which are currently in the works and about to be applied for.

just let me know which character you want a line with and we'll start plotting, sorry i'm being lazy. haha i'll blame it on all the pain meds they got me on right now.
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[01 Jan 2019|04:44pm]

i am looking to bring in scott eastwood as either a sherriff's deputy or city police officer.

i don't have a name for him yet but he could use any connection good or bad and has been in miami forever

what could he fill or be wanted for?
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[30 Dec 2018|10:00pm]

Please bring me sleep...and lines.

This bro here is Killian Wise, son of [info]bwis. He's 28 years old and works as head of security at Pair A Dice Casino. He's a smart ass at best, usually enjoys annoying the shit out of people by answering questions with another question - though he's done less and less of that lately. He was more or less around the club his entire life until he graduated early from high school at 16 and was somehow allowed to backpack through Europe on his own. Seemed like an awesome idea until it wasn't and it was a struggle to find his way back to the states. He's been back since he was 18 but didn't really start branching back out until a year after that. He's not big on the whole relationship thing (he has issues thanks to Austria) but does enjoy a good bit of fun as long as nothing serious is expected of him. He's been a full-fledged Aces patch since mid-2011 and has loved every last minute of it. The insanely long version of him is in his bio, but this is essentially the more important jist.

Line me up, please?
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[29 Dec 2018|10:24pm]

hey all, this seems like a great concept so I am here to find lines. this is jax - I haven't app'd or picked a side yet but I am hoping to find some family lines he might be able to fill. His basic idea is him coming back home after his most recent long-term relationship ended when the other took their life suddenly. He's a bit shattered at the moment, doesn't know what to do, so he is coming home. Obviously family would be a big part of his life and rehabilitation through this mess, and either side seems viable so is there any brother, cousin, son role he can take on? I would probably play it that he was related to someone in the club, or even a really big named someone in the club, but decided to move away and try life outside of the club box, so to speak. Any ideas? I'll hold him and app him once we have some solid leads.
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[28 Dec 2018|04:04pm]

Hi hi....working on apping this gal and wanted to pop in here to see if there are any lines she could fill. This is Maggie, FC is the always stunning Emilia Clarke.

I haven't completely picked a side for her yet so I'm really open to anything, where she'd be wanted or fit in.One idea I did have was that she has been gone a while and someone/thing has brought her back, like she inherited a business or some other reason brought her back to town, but that was just me thinking.

She's really still a blank slate so I am open to anything at this point so hit me up.

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