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Crescendo [18 Nov 2011|04:35am]
Murder, Politics, Revenge...

The Victims So Far: Amycus Carrow, Vernon Dursley, Charity Burbage, Avish Zabini, Henry Rosier, and the entire Donovan family. So many Aurors have been killed by Death Eaters, the Ministry has been forced to outsource Aurors from America and France. A serial killer has already claimed six victims, but it's not enough, because Alice Longbottom is next on the list...

The War is fully on and if you think war is just about who lives and who dies, then what we have coming will truly BLOW your mind!

Crescendo is a B.A.M.F. AU MWPP Era game taking place in 1981 that has been going strong for six months. We are seeking fellow Bad Asses to join in on the fun. We've had a lot of action, but we're only just beginning, and trust us, there is far more to come, so get in before you miss the real action.
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[ viewing | November 18th, 2011 ]
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