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[30 Oct 2011|12:33am]

Officially Opening November 5th

In the small sleepy college town of Black Falls, all seems well. But lurking under the surface trouble is brewing. It would seem the citizens are destined to be the prey of a war between hell and the human race.

The clock is ticking! At midnight on October 31st all hell will break loose. Literally.

Only those few college students who were lucky enough to purchase their Halloween costumes at a small costume shop located on the campus of Black Falls College, have the chance to survive and preserve their souls.

What side will you fall on?

Please check the premise for more details.
This is a Mature rated game.

Moderator Note: I am looking for humans and demons. ESPECIALLY DEMONS. But frankly I need to fill a wide range of characters. This is a brand spanking new game!!! The game will begin on November 5th, 2011 but is set to take place in game on October 31st, 1999. Human characters will need to choose a costume, and choose well. Each come with their own limitations and bonuses. Demons too have special abilities and limitations. It is in essence a survival horror game.

Currently I have two characters reserved for players I know from previous games I have run. I run this game essentially like a Dungeon master, I do not play a character, I simply oversee the world it is set in. I would like to recruit a wide range of characters and players to give the game more diversity.

For those interested in applying, humans must be students. Demons must be members of the college faculty, be they support staff or professors.

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[30 Oct 2011|11:01am]

[info]smalljusticemod | [info]smalljustice | [info]smalljusticeooc

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A Harry Potter Noir-style, Marauder Era Game. [30 Oct 2011|01:51pm]

Premise    •    Available    •    Rules    •    FAQ    •    Apply    •    Credits
The year is 1981 and Wizarding London is overrun with crime. Favoured Mayoral Candidate Lucius Malfoy seeks to put an end to it if only to improve the climate for his upcoming election. Two wars are being waged in this torn city: that between the youth and the elders, and that over familial allegiances.

The Crime Syndicate is allegedly killing a fresh victim each night, but they hold to their own standards of morality and conduct. Albus Dumbledore's uniformed officers of the Law are desperately trying to tie the infamous Black family with claims of prostitution, drugs, and murders. The city of London is in chaos and a new band of Vigilantes has taken matters into their own hands.

Which side will you choose? Who can you trust and who do you fear will kill you in the night? Join this Marauder-era game to partake of the blood-ridden action! [Please note this is an 18+ game]

Most wanted: Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Petunia Evans, Vernon Dursley, Alice & Frank Longbottom, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Minerva McGonagall.


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