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A Harry Potter Noir-style, Marauder Era Game. [14 Oct 2011|08:22pm]

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The year is 1981 and Wizarding London is overrun with crime. Favoured Mayoral Candidate Lucius Malfoy seeks to put an end to it if only to improve the climate for his upcoming election. Two wars are being waged in this torn city: that between the youth and the elders, and that over familial allegiances.

The Crime Syndicate is allegedly killing a fresh victim each night, but they hold to their own standards of morality and conduct. Albus Dumbledore's uniformed officers of the Law are desperately trying to tie the infamous Black family with claims of prostitution, drugs, and murders. The city of London is in chaos and a new band of Vigilantes has taken matters into their own hands.

Which side will you choose? Who can you trust and who do you fear will kill you in the night? Join this Marauder-era game to partake of the blood-ridden action! [Please note this is an 18+ game]

Most wanted: Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Petunia Evans, Vernon Dursley, Alice & Frank Longbottom, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Minerva McGonagall.


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[ viewing | October 14th, 2011 ]
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