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Super Glee RPG [19 Sep 2011|01:05pm]

Rules | Holds | Apply | Cast | Timeline
Lima, Ohio used to be just another ordinary town. Then the government stepped in and turned Lima into a holding ground for people with unusual abilities. Thanks to a mind wipe, no one even remembers it happening.

But that was before a lightning storm destroyed a statue that had kept unusual things from happening for 50 years. Suddenly, all the teenagers came down with a flu-type illness that lasted for weeks. When it stopped, everyone thought things had gone back to normal.

Spoiler Alert: They were wrong.

Now, strange things are happening. Kids are developing powers that they thought were only in comic books. Flying, telekinesis, weather manipulation...Lima is seeing it all, and the members of New Directions and their friends are right in the middle of it all. The question is: what side will they choose?

MOST WANTED: Azimio Adams, Strando, OC's (specifically jocks, cheerios and jazz band), and the Warblers*

Game Started August 24th!
Major Plot Began Sept 17th

*There is a contingency plan in place if we get several Warblers in order to give them the maximum amount of interaction with McKinley kids.

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