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[19 Aug 2011|02:08pm]


Fear takes hold in Europe with the rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Murmurs of a Dark Lord and a boy who lived travel outward, whispered in foreign ears, but remain only that: whispers and stories. The old ties of the commonwealth hold little strength and the problems of Britain remain their own. The Magical communities of North America continue, unencumbered by the ideals of a few misguided souls and the madness of one.

Nestled in the Alaskan wilderness, lay Nertuark School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Within the castle, both like and dislike it's European counterpart, walk the future of the magical community within North America. Each student free of the darkness festering across the ocean and eager to make a place for themselves in the world around them. Their studies touch subjects taught across the world, but intermingled amongst their own touch and interests.

Nertuark is an original character roleplay based in the world of Harry Potter. It is a chance to explore the lives of Witches and Wizards outside the war against Voldemort and is a chance to combine a new culture with a world we already love. All characters in game are original and have limited connection to the happenings of Hogwarts and it's students. The stories of war continue but they remain harmless and a means of conversation.

Game opens August 31st.
Now Accepting Applications

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[ viewing | August 19th, 2011 ]
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