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[16 Jul 2011|02:35pm]
First Adds - July 17th!

Rules Taken Holds/Pending Application

The Community is a basic PB city style game with a hint of faux-celebrity, set in Orlando! Our setting provides a breeding ground of diverse possibilities! This game is set up to be an online social network for your characters. ‘The Community’ is a great way for characters 18 years and older to mix and mingle. Our age cap is limitless as we would like to encourage a wide age range in the game.

The Message Your Character Would Read Upon Signing Up:
Welcome to The Community, an online social network service exclusive to residents of Orlando! Users of The Community may embark in establishing a personal journal, in which they can proceed in blogging about their lives, as they also take part in reading of other members. Members are also able to log onto the Café Express where they may introduce themselves along with share random blurbs, questioners, videos, music and much more! Make friends, dates, business acquaintances! The possibilities are never ending in The Community – and are exclusive to users 18 years and older!

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[ viewing | July 16th, 2011 ]
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