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[07 Jun 2011|03:58pm]


It was a battle like any other. A fight they had fought for so long. The Brotherhood, run up against the X-Men. One trying to stop humanity's destruction of their own kind, one trying to protect all of mankind. Human and mutant alike. There were injuries, and there was fatigue. It was a parting shot, and still no one knows who took it. All they know is time, slowed. Pietro, known for his speed, had stopped. Somehow been hit and fallen. His sister, Wanda, turned and seeing his limp form, eye staring blankly at the sky, screamed enraged. She threw herself, and her powers, over his body, a silent plea for help, any sort of help. Her powers of reality manipulation pushed to their breaking and she too went limp.

But not before the world shimmered, and changed. Our reality, absorbed, absorbing another. Heroes and villains alike felt the odd shift, but none know exactly what has happened. Only that fallen comrades have returned. Loved ones, once thought lost, brought back, and new heroes, new enemies, emerged. The worlds of Marvel and D/C have joined. But do they trust each other? Or find a way to somehow separate their worlds once again? Knowing the consequences could be blinking out of existence all together.


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