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[17 Feb 2011|01:08am]


Roadmaps is a big game with small game appeal. RM has a wide variety of 60+ distinct, active characters. Because of this, there’s someone for every character to interact with and each character has a special role in game. To prevent this amount of characters from becoming too overwhelming, players are divided into groups which makes threading easier and prevents characters from interacting with the same characters. In those groups, players get to develop their own plots after game wide brainstorming. While the game’s well established having started in December, the plot's arranged so new characters can jump in without feeling left behind or like they have to catch up on everything that's happened in game.

The cast is brilliant. In character, it's obvious everyone's put a lot of time into cultivating the people they play. Every character has a distinct voice and canon characters are extremely true to their canon selves, regardless of the changes the game has made to their plot. Original characters are fascinating and well-developed. Relationships and friendships form where they might not have been expected, giving the game potential for characters both clashing and coming together. Out of character, everyone's easy to talk to, doesn't take themselves too seriously (with a great sense of humor to boot), are the most welcoming people in the world, and never fail to be enthusiastic.

WANTED: Marlene McKinnon, Bellatrix Lestrange, Arthur Weasley, Hestia Jones, Augusta Longbottom, Xenophilius Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Emmeline Vance, Avery Sr., Avery Jr., Borgin, Crabbe, Goyle, Jugson, Walden Macnair Mulciber Jr., Mulciber Sr., Rosier Sr., Thorfinn Rowle, Yaxley, Horace Slughorn, John Dawlish, Elphias Doge, Albus Dumbledore, Mundungus Fletcher, Rubeus Hagrid, Alastor Gumboil, Sturgis Podmore, Proudfoot, Gawain Robards, Williamson, Dolores Umbridge
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