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Olympians RPG: A Greek Gods Game [08 Jan 2010|12:11am]
olympians rpg

Before there were vampires, before werewolves and broomsticks, books, and films, and comicbooks...

The ancient bards sang epics of a world where the gods were at the root of things, a world where the three sons of Kronos drew lots and divided the rule of the cosmos -- a world where the immortals were revered and feared.

The time has come for the gods to rise once more...
( read more... )


Wanted: Ares, Athena, Demeter, Eros, Hades, Hera, and MORE!
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Panfandom game, opening Monday! [08 Jan 2010|06:02pm]
Enter This Deserted House
But please walk softly as you do.
Frogs dwell here and crickets too.

Ain't no ceiling, only blue.
Jays dwell here and sunbeams too.

Floors are flowers - take a few
Ferns grow here and daisies too.

Swoosh, whoosh - too-whit, too-woo
Bats dwell here and hoot owls too.

Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo,
Gnomes dwell here and goblins too.

And my child, I thought you knew
I dwell here...and so do you
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