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Back March 23rd, 2015 Forward
XSwap: a Marvel Powerswap RPG [userpic]
X-Swap: a Marvel Powerswap Game


Things are a little different. In this game, each character has had their powers swapped with another Marvel character. Charles Xavier, still the world's most powerful telepath in this universe, had opened a school to teach young mutants and allow older mutants to teach. Those are constants. But, for the rest, these characters' histories and personalities have always been dependent on their special talents and abilities. Now that they've been born with radically different ones, the outcome might be very different.

So what's new and different? And what's stayed the same?

Wanted: Kevin Ford, Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller, Thieves' Guild members, Raven Darkholme, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Hellfire Club members, Pietro Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Kurt Wagner, Scott Summers, Logan, Jubilation Lee, Lois London.


Game Opens April 1st
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Back March 23rd, 2015 Forward