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Back March 25th, 2013 Forward
wizardry [userpic]

In 2010, a muggleborn wizard was appointed as the minister for magic in Britain. It was cause for controversy; never before had a muggleborn witch or wizard held the position. For the first time since 1945 and the fall of the wizarding world's most infamous dark wizard, Grindelwald, the threat of war has reestablished itself. The Knights of Walpurgis, a group founded in the time of Merlin, has made its presence known once more. The Knights of Walpurgis once served to protect wizardkind from muggle persecution; in its ranks were the most powerful witches and wizards of their time, whose ideology ultimately became governed by their rancour and mistrust. Over the centuries, the Knights of Walpurgis have loyally served those who embody their ideals. During Grindelwald's reign of terror, the Knights of Walpurgis served under him in the hope that he would succeed in creating a world in which muggles would be subservient to wizardkind. Following Grindelwald's imprisonment, the Order of the Phoenix was founded in order to combat the enduring presence of the Knights of Walpurgis. The Order of the Phoenix served to restore justice and peace to the wizarding world, succeeding with the aid of the European ministries of magic, and disbanded shortly after. As the battle lines are drawn once more, the Order of the Phoenix has risen from the ashes; determined to maintain all that which they served for, they know that this time they stand alone. Within the last fifty years, the ministries of magic have become so corrupt that hardly anyone is able to place their trust in them. Perhaps even the newly appointed muggleborn minister for magic is nothing more than a clever ruse put in place by the Knights of Walpurgis, looking to justify their call to arms. The time has come to choose sides.

Wizardry is a Harry Potter game based off the universe created by JK Rowling in the Harry Potter series, where we'll be following our own heroes as they battle against evil. In the end, it is up to you to decide who will prevail. The community will rely heavily on writing and character development to determine the outcome of the next wizarding war.
Our opening date has not been determined yet - we will decide depending on how many applications we get within the next week or two.

Back March 25th, 2013 Forward