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Back January 3rd, 2012 Forward

What if the Greeks had been right?

Although thousands of years have passed since the Greeks were the magnificent empire of yore, the memorable persons that populated their fables and their explanations -- gods and goddesses, heroes and nymphs, muses that bring their inspired artists to their knees -- have been forgotten as truth and instead regarded as beautiful, if fictional, characters. Angered by the disrespect the human race has paid them, the Olympian gods devised a plan: go down to earth, as they were wont to do, and stir things up. After all, hadn't they done that so many times before, interacting with the mortal men of their creation to satisfy a bit of boredom? They needed to be taught a lesson.

Except for one thing: without the power of belief and faith behind them, the gods found their powers a bit... lacking. Rather than ending up on earth as the all-powerful beings who brought mortals trembling to the ground, they ended up as... mortals. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures. Mortals who just so happened to be reincarnated mythological figures in New York. As their memories come through, will it disrupt the lifetime of personality they have set up for themselves? How will it affect their relationships? And will they ever be able to exact their revenge?

Letalis is a Greek mythology game that uses premades as a starting device for CR with other players. We encourage our prospective players to not only think outside the box when it comes to plot but also to feel free to break away from the premade description as the game evolves. We are hoping to be a dynamic community heavy on relationships and character development as the cast reconciles their identities as both mortal men and women and the gods and goddesses of mythos.

opens: friday the thirteenth, january

The year is 1976 and the world is changing. Lord Voldemort has been slowly gathering followers and rising to power. People are disappearing at alarming rates and there is an overall feeling of uneasiness over wizarding society. As the world prepares to go to war, things in Hogwarts continue on as usual. Prefects are chosen, Quidditch is played and the usual teenage drama allows it’s self to unfold. It’s not as if the students have no idea what’s going on out there, they would just like one more chance to be children before going to war.

[info]juvenescent is a sixth year MWPP game focusing on the social and every day lives of the Hogwarts students.


Most Wanted:
Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Rabastan Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dorcas Meadowes, Hestia Jones, Benjy Fenwick, Finbar Quigly.

Opening January 13 2012

Back January 3rd, 2012 Forward