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Back November 16th, 2011 Forward

Dystopia Rising

Outside the Government.
Beyond the Police.
Tracking down Alien life on Earth
Arming the Human Race against the future
The 21st century is when everything changes.
You've got to be ready."

"Have you ever thought something was off about your world? Stars going out? Alien invasion on a daily to weekly basis? Seeing things you can't possibly explain? Well then you've come to the right place.

Welcome to Torchwood!

Torchwood prides itself on saving the universe-one person at a time! Were an institute, a training base, and hopefully a family. You may start on the bottom of the ranks but it doesn't take much to rise to the top! We're currently proud to declare that our entire organization is under new management thanks to our new esteemed leader Rose Tyler."

Enter Cardiff. A small city just on the outskirts of Wales, population of merly 500 people. Small, unassuming, harmless. Until now. A scientist, under the payroll of the Torchwood Institute, had been experimenting with Dimensional Travel. A way to cross other worlds without the use of the TARDIS or Dimension Cannon, something that was kept secret from nearly all its employee's.

At first? All the tests failed. The walls of the universe stayed sealed.

"People fall out of the world sometimes but they always leave traces.
Little things we can't quite account for.
Faces in photographs.
Half-eaten meals.
Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely.
And if something can be remembered
it can come back."

It started harmless enough. A small crack in the skins of the universe. Barley interesting enough to study, really. Tests continued to no avail and everyones impatience. Until the 'small crack' reached the rift that ran right through Cardiff.

It would have been a simple fix, in all honesty. Except for one problem. When the Crack came into contact with the Rift, it herald a very interesting effect. Opening first one doorway, then another, it started a Domino effect. The walls of the universe, every universe, grew weak and crumbled. With no barrier to keep them from bleeding into each other, and no way to close either the Rift or the tear, people begin to appear from all over space and time.

Torchwood did what it could on what knowledge it had, but even the small team could only do so much. So they did the next best thing. They set up safe havens for the misplaced. Some they could send back, others would be trapped with no way back.

What will you do in a new world?

Dystopia Rising is a Torchwood panfandom Roleplay

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Back November 16th, 2011 Forward