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Back October 6th, 2011 Forward
The Crescent City Institute; on




Character Directory
Wanted List
School Info
This is only the beginning.

For many years, the Crescent City Institute of Magic has been one of the best schools for Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States. Located in the culturally rich city of New Orleans, it has had its fair share of tragedy for such a praised and respected school. First was hurricane Katrina, which rocked New Orleans to its core, and the death of the headmaster as he helped the students evacuate.

This last school year proved to be dramatic, interesting, and terrifying for its students. Like any high school, CCI has had its fair share of the petty dramas caused by students along with the ups and downs of boarding school life. But there have been other, darker, things to worry about.

Last school year, students went missing and creatures never known before were been spotted and attacked students before being captured. There are activists out in the streets of New Orleans currently trying to alert Muggles to the presence of evil Witches and Wizards. There is also a perplexing epidemic of missing socks.

Now, with another school year beginning, no one can know for certain what lies in wait for the students of CCI. Only time will tell what will happen, but there is one thing for certain. It will be an adventure.

Crescent City Institute is looking for students to enroll in the 2011-2012 school year.


Pandora's Box Mods [userpic]

Pandora's box. Everyone knows the Greek myth about the box said to have housed all the world's evils inside. However, few know that such an item truly exists. Before Voldemort had Bellatrix Lestrange, Grindelwald had Pandora Zurlo, a witch of unspeakable cruelty with a penchant for dark magic and a taste for sadism.

Wanting to savor the pain of her victims, she created a box to capture their emotions as she tortured them to death. Every tear of desperation, every scream of pain, and every death rattle found its way into that box to delight Pandora whenever she wished. However, she disappeared when Grindelwald fell, and the box was lost with her.

Until now.

The box has been found and just like the story, all its evils have been unleashed to torment the unsuspecting and the innocent. A darkness is creeping through the wizarding world, unchecked and insidious, slipping into people's bodies and minds. The lucky ones will only suffer. The unlucky ones will die.

Pandora's Box opens October 15th!

Oh Marvelous Mod [userpic]
Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game

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Back October 6th, 2011 Forward