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Back August 5th, 2011 Forward

a post-dh harry potter rpg


Afterward is set in 1999, over a year after the Battle of Hogwarts. Our concept is simple one. What happened afterward? There are nineteen years between the last chapter of Deathly Hallows and the Epilogue and this game revolves around playing those intervening years out. Are we Epilogue compliant? Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on the choices our characters make and the directions they choose to go in.

Heated Sanguine - An Original Game [userpic]

Heated Sanguine - New Orleans Based Original RPG

Hidden in the world beneath the cloak of darkness are those that the light shines on too brightly for mere mortal eyes. An abandoned King and a forgotten race of Fae are all that remain of a world torn apart by the battle of the races of time. Elf against Lycan, Fae against Vampire until all that remained were the skeletons of lost races.

Wandering the world, the vampires hid further into the night, lycans retreated to the deepest forests. The Fae slid into their underground world keeping their magic to themselves and the Elves were lost to the world and mixed into the blood of humans so much so that it was rare to find a pureblooded one anymore.

Cities are built, worlds change, a King wakens and searches for his lost lover. Their power combined is enough to reawaken a sleeping world of myths, darkness, and fairytales. In this modern day world he is no longer a King and refuses its confines. Always a reluctant King, he has done his last deed for those of this world.

Now they are all awakening, called to the power of the combined population and some...some are content in the shadows no more..

Wanted Characters

We welcome and encourage players to try out all we have to offer. There are always openings for lines, desires for other races to come in. We'd love to see more species of Lycans, more male Fae, Elves are a little short as well. Enlightened vampire's would really help the line come along and the plots come to into play. Still, no matter what your flavor or craving, there is always something here at Heated Sanguine for you!



The Violet Hour - A Post-Apocalyptic OC RPG

In 2012, humanity flourished. Violet Inc., a powerful scientific corporation, began the undertaking of a new project. Project Eden was meant to solve all of the world’s problems and begin humanity’s hold on life anew. By 2016, Violet Inc. had made the United States a world superpower. Change was happening for the better. Many thought it a perfect age…until the disappearances began in 2017. People simply vanished, without rhyme or reason. Panic spread like wildfire and blame was thrown in every direction. A second wave of disappearances left the international community blaming the United States and the ever mysterious Violet Inc. Blame went ignored and questions went unanswered. The world was struck again soon after. Major U.S. cities gutted and leveled from numerous explosions. There was no warning. No light in the sky. Simply devastation.

The current year is 2024, six years after the second Disappearance and the ravaging of the United State’s major cities. Survivors have moved to rural areas or the wilderness. Strength lies always in numbers, as they say. Cults, gangs and tribes have taken hold in place of the civilized order that once was. Does the wasteland hold any hope? If so, does it lie within the structured puritanism of Angel Fire or in the chaos of Eagle Nest? Only those who continue to survive can decide what will come from humanity’s violet hour: rebuild for tomorrow or seize the day while it still remains?

The Violet Hour has come. What will you do now?

***Opening August 6th***

Back August 5th, 2011 Forward