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Back August 1st, 2011 Forward
Resumption (HP RPG)

RESUMPTION: a life interrupted to begin again
A Harry Potter RPG

Post the Second Wizarding War, many are content to go forward with their lives. Some aren’t however. Augustus Rookwood is one of those not happy in this world and the former death eater begins to make plans to make his own world, his ideal world.

Taping into dark and forbidden magic that will bend both dimension and time, Rookwood begins collecting the citizens for this new world. Wizard and witches of his choosing who are not merely from the era he comes from, but others-both ancient and into distant future. Whether these wizard and witches want to live in this world isn’t his concern.

There are so many questions though. Where is this place? What day is it? What country are they in? Why are there others that they don’t know or recognize but who know intimate details about their lives? This world is full of mysteries about the village and... experiments keep appearing out of nowhere.

You are at the mercy of the council.

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Wanted Characters: Croaker, Salazar Slytherin, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rabastan Lestrange, Catriona McCormack, Kirley Duke, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart, Merlin, Fenrir Greyback, The Weasleys, The Malfoys, The Blacks, The Tonks, NextGen, ect.

Opened May 26, 2011

It's the new school year at Piffled and the students have a lot more to worry about than just a bunch of mandatory art electives. A student-run campaign, strengthened by the support of prefects, has changed the Hogwarts curriculum forever.

Now a mandatory sexual education course is in place for all students 16 and older.

Sex was previously a banned subject at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the assumption that "parents took care of that sort of thing" and the students were "too young to be having it anyway". That's old school now. This school year will go down in Hogwarts history as the year that the school expanded itself as being not only a magical institution with the artistic backbone established by the Ministry since 1998, but also as a place that truly prepares young adults for adulthood in the best way they know how.

If you thought having The Talk with your mum was awkward, try having it with the Headmaster.


Piffled has been open since June 2010 and is still running. Focusing on students from 5th to 7th year and recent Hogwarts graduates, it is about to enter the the 2023-2024 school year. An event oriented game, students are encouraged to participate in as many clubs, school activities, and events as possible. As a reminder, all students are required to take one fine art elective "club" to keep up with Ministry requirements as well as the mandatory weekly sexual education course.




In 2010, the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office of the Ministry of Magic finally granted permission for the next wave of muggle electronics -- the television -- to be studied and modified with magic. Ten years later, there was a telly in the home of every witch and wizard with programming ranging from goblin talk shows to galleon game shows to dramas, comedies, music videos, and even movies. More recently, 2021 saw the advent of reality shows, like The Fashion Show and Love Potion No. 9.

Get Real! was conceived by Maximus Trimble and Rhonda Roads as a way to appeal to the teenage demographic as well as pull in an older crowd on the strength of nostalgia. It's a reality TV show all about the life of the "average" Hogwarts student and the drama, laughs, and loves that blossom between them.

Season 1 begins filming this school year. By proxy of returning to school this year all students and parents have given their permission to be featured and/or mentioned on the programme. And if certain liberties happen to be taken with the presentation of the footage, well... that's just show business.

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Back August 1st, 2011 Forward