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Back February 13th, 2011 Forward

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In one small moment everything changed. The Prophecy was spoken and all became still. The Dark Lord vanished in the night with but one message passed to his followers. Each and every Dark Mark burned to life, the black scorched depiction of a skull and snake forming the words Stay quiet, stay hidden, before it faded from their skin. Lord Voldemort slipped away like a puff of smoke a name only mumbled about in school rooms, a legendary monster thought forever gone.

Peace descended on the Wizarding World and after some time all became as it once was. Those that had fought on either side settled down into routine. Romances flourished, children were born, and a great man died. It is still a mystery, the death of Albus Dumbledore. He was simply found dead in his office at Hogwarts, though there are whispers that dark magic consumed him, that a blight withered him till it all out consumed him.

The Dark Lord Voldemort is barely spoken of outside of History of Magic classrooms. He is thought lost to the pages of history, many think him even dead. The Wizarding World no longer fears the shadows and has all but forgotten those that followed him still living among them in secret. After all, the battles are finished the war has been won. Hasn’t it?

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