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Back December 1st, 2009 Forward

It's the end of the world as we know it, and everything's fine.

Both Buffy and Angel have had their apocalypses; Sunnydale is a huge smoking crater, and Los Angeles is ticking on like nothing ever happened. Except something did. Somehow, Buffy and Angel are the new owners of the deserted Wolfram and Hart building, there's gold name-plates on the top floor condos for both teams, Buffy's and Angel's, and nobody quite knows what's going on with the Senior Partners or if they're even still in play. All they do know is, someone has been notifying all the brand-new Slayers and telling them to come out to Los Angeles and hop in the sandbox.

On which side of the fence do you fall?

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Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome


Looking for a Harry Potter game that's nothing like the rest? How about one you can play original characters in? Don't want to worry about Brit-speak? Then join Salem Academy, the best school for witches and wizards in America! We're in the midst of a brand new school year, so now's your chance to get in on the action.

But what about the attack on the headmaster? Who was behind it, how did they get on campus, and what if it happens again? Wizards live right in the muggle community, under their very noses, a secret that has been kept for centuries. But it looks like that secret's about to come to light.

Wanted Characters

Tired of lack of diversity in games? Looking to play a minority? We welcome them with open arms! We're in dire need of students with parents or siblings who work for the Bureau. Wardwell and Proctor students, Osborn and Wardwell girls and roomates for existing characters. Siblings, cousins, plus-sized, or scene students are all wanted. Cheerleaders as well as Quodpot players need to fill the squads and teams. Got a favorite high school stereotype? Play them at Salem!



Back December 1st, 2009 Forward