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Back November 15th, 2009 Forward

Chaos Theory


Dear Miss:

I imagine you've been feeling a bit different lately. Wondering why you've been breaking a few more dishes, or how you manage to catch up to the bus after it leaves the stop?

You're not alone in wondering these things. You are part of a very special sisterhood, and a very special alliance.

You see, you have become a Slayer. I know that chances are, that means nothing to you. But you should know, you have been activated as a finely tooled fighting machine. You have strength, reflexes, agility, abilities too numerous to list here, and you are special.

Many other girls around the world, from the pre-teen on up, have been touched, just as you have been, by the magic that awakened you.

If you choose to disregard this letter, please understand, it will not make what has happened to you go away. But, if you choose to listen, please find enclosed with this letter enough means to bring you to Los Angeles, California, to the old Wolfram and Hart building, recently re-dedicated as the Protection is Our Destiny Corporation, or the POD.

The POD is located at 1127 Springs Street, Los Angeles, CA. Once you have arrived, please speak to Rupert Giles, Buffy Summers, Wesley Wyndham-Price, or Angel. They will help you on the next step of your journey.


A Benefactor

Most Wanted: Xander Harris, Dawn Summers, Slayers, Watchers, Vampires, or anything else you can think of.

Back November 15th, 2009 Forward