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Dark Mark Rising Mods [userpic]
7/20/09 10:38 am

::.:.:: ...: .:.:

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What happens when Severus survives the final battle and decides to go back in time and change it all?

Only Time Will Tell.

A New Life is a Marauder Era game set in their fifth year after Severus has travelled back in time after deciding he would change the past for the better. He aimed for the end of his fifth year just before the mudblood incident but arrives at the summer before his fifth year. Will he change everything for the better or will it end up being worse than before?

Only Time Will Tell.



Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Recuperatio RPG

Seven years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, finally bringing an end to his vicious reign of power and terror. Yet, the war did not end with his death. For years, the Wizarding World has worked to repair the damages left during the aftermath of war. Emotional burdens have yet to fully heal, too many lives destroyed, families torn apart, and friends lost. Hogwarts was left in rubble, unable to reopen for years, the damage too great, endless sweat and tears shed as people worked to rebuild the foundations to give their children a future. Death Eaters still roam free, cunningly avoiding even the best Aurors, leaving many in fear that another war will be on the horizon.

As things begin to resemble some semblance of normalcy, an old follower of Voldemort is in the wings, plotting his revenge, gathering the remaining Death Eaters and new followers, planning to unleash a new war, wanting to finish his master’s vision. In the Ministry, a serial killer is murdering powerful political figures, leaving everyone pointing fingers and letting things slip through the cracks. Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, butchering countless individuals as he runs from Aurors, gathering and making new werewolves in his travels, building an army to strike against the Ministry. Vampires have demanded equality for their race, threatening to reveal themselves to Muggles if the Ministry does not comply with their wishes and their campaign has given life to Hermione Granger’s political ambitions for equality to all magical creatures. The Prophet, with it’s new Editor-In-Chief, Katie Bell, now reports real news and is angering people throughout the Ministry for it’s blunt facts, politics, and critique of the Ministry.

All the while, the Muggle World is at war in the Middle East, affecting the Wizarding World as it heightens.

The entire world is in complete chaos.

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt is determined to rebuild the Wizarding Community into a vision of peace and has called forth some of the best Aurors from around the world in an effort to clean up the United Kingdom, determined to capture and imprison the remaining Death Eaters and send a clear message of constant vigilance to those seeking to do more harm. Many are unhappy with the Minister’s plans, many seeking to replace him and other important individuals, some willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

The Wizarding World is torn between fully recovering and moving forward and taking two steps back, arriving right back where they left off seven years ago. A new war is on the brink. Which side will you choose?

Since June 06, 2009, Recuperatio has been an active, canon, non-epilogue compliant game taking place in 2005. We seek active, well-developed writers interested in plot and character development to help us tell our story as it unfolds.

Most Wanted: Seamus Finnigan, Rabastan & Rodolphus Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Ernie McMillan, Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Bill, Charlie*, Fleur, George, Molly, & Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!

*character has back-story, please contact mods before applying*
You think you know a story,
but you only know how it ends

We all know the story of Henry VIII and his six wives and his unrelenting drive to have a son. But what if Anne Boleyn had given birth to both a girl and a boy on September 7 1533? Would this have change the future, sparing Anne's life, or would Henry's eye continued to wander? Would Anne have ever truly been Queen or still have been the King's whore?

What would the fate of Mary Tudor, Henry FitzRoy and Catherine have been?

The Most Happy is a Historical Tudor Era roleplay set in the year 1533 and explores an alternate history, where King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn had a surviving son born as a twin to Elisabeth.

Casting: Henry VIII, George Boleyn, Charles Brandon, Catherine of Aragon, Henry FitzRoy, Elisabeth Blount, anyone willing to conspire against the Queen.


One day you go to sleep in your room, you trip, turn a corner, or anything really. The next thing you know you are in a new land, a strange land like you have never seen the likes of before. Others are there but no one seems to know where you are or what you are doing there. People are from different times and different lands.

You all have one thing in common, however. None of you have any idea where you are or how you got there. There are similarities between your lands, you all have magic and mages in existance, you all believe in Gods and Godesses... including Trickster Gods, Kyprioth for some and Lakik for the others. Some of you may have reason to believe that the Tricksters are behind this strange new adventure... and you would not be far from the truth.

Welcome to Tricksters' Realm, a multi-era Roleplay game based on Tamora Pierce's books.

Premise FAQ Rules Characters: Emelan Characters: Tortall Application Cast Contact Friend's Add

Darkness Rising

The year is 1978. Voldemort is on the rise. Fenrir Greyback is on the loose, killing and raping as he pleases, much to the Dark Lord’s annoyance, and has his eyes set on Remus Lupin’s fiancée, Dorcas Meadowes. Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold is under the Imperius Curse and bends to The Dark Lord’s will. Frank and Alice Longbottom are dealing with the loss of their first child. Minerva McGonagall’s daughter has been kidnapped by Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape. Death Eaters have been getting even more creative with their attacks. Recent Hogwarts Graduates are facing their futures.

The war is in full swing.

Want to join in on the fun?

You can. All you have to do it push the little button right there.

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Premise | Member Testimonials | Darkness Rising RPG Community


As the teachers drone on, there's something different in the air at Hogwarts. Danger is lurking in every corner, peeking in windows, and infiltrating the castle. Lord Voldemort graduated with a group of minions only a few years ago, but he is still their leader. His magic, followers, and power are growing stronger daily, but so is his nerve.

Always weary of Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort would never risk entering Hogwarts and causing chaos himself. Instead, he will use his minions, now known as "Death Eaters". Secret monthly meetings with selected few will allow Lord Voldemort the cover he so desperately seeks. He is providing his subjects with a cursed item or potion, and a desired target. From there, Death Eaters must go to all lengths to prove him or herself to the Dark Lord, or punishment will ensue.

But Dumbledore is fast catching on. As attacks slowly break out and accumulate, he will be forced into sealing Hogwarts. Students and teachers will be locked in, while the Ministry, parents, and visitors will be locked out. Mail will be thoroughly checked, rechecked, and checked again. Questionable students will be questioned harshly. All outdoor activities will be cancelled. Lord Voldemort will have to come up with clever plans to get his dangerous weapons into Hogwarts, but his followers are loyal as ever.

WANTED. RAVENCLAWS, HUFFLEPUFFS, Arthur Weasley, Frank Longbottom, all Prewetts, Peter Pettigrew, Rita Skeeter, Emmaline Vance, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hestia Jonas, Amelia Susan Bones

The year is 1976, 16 years after Lord Voldemort graduated.


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7/20/09 11:55 am

Opening Today

In the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, the Malfoy family didn't have many options in the career world. With the money that was left, Lucius ventured into the stock market and Draco, after much planning (and a little begging), opened Ame Noir, the wizarding world's first club in the heart of London.

After three successful years and two more locations in France and Germany, Draco was ready to conquer America. Boston was the place to start. The city had a thriving magical community and lots of old world charm. Ame Noir Boston was opened in 2004 and has been the favourite of young witches and wizards for five years running.

Ame Noir is an AU Harry Potter-based game set in present day Boston with all original characters and player controlled. Be a member of the staff or one of it's regular patrons. It's all up to you!

Opening soon, we'll save you a seat.

premise. | f.a.q | cast.
careers. | regulations. | apply.

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7/20/09 01:06 pm

Raising drug awareness, sharing stories and giving advice!
This is for anyone who has done, plans on doing, or knows about drugs.

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7/20/09 09:12 pm

tell a tale

cast page in character out of character mod journal

the premise the rules tale & pb holds wanted list the application resources

contact list friend all button character birthdays awards for fun character change form character drop form

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