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Back July 10th, 2009 Forward

You think you know a story,
but you only know how it ends

We all know the story of Henry VIII and his six wives and his unrelenting drive to have a son. But what if Anne Boleyn had given birth to both a girl and a boy on September 7 1533? Would this have change the future, sparing Anne's life, or would Henry's eye continued to wander? Would Anne have ever truly been Queen or still have been the King's whore?

What would the fate of Mary Tudor, Henry FitzRoy and Catherine have been?

The Most Happy is a Historical Tudor Era roleplay set in the year 1533 and explores an alternate history, where King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn had a surviving son born as a twin to Elisabeth.

Casting: Henry VIII, George Boleyn, Charles Brandon, Catherine of Aragon, Henry FitzRoy, Elisabeth Blount, anyone willing to conspire against the Queen.


hexandthecity [userpic]








2029! Next-gen. Fun. Nightlife. Magic. Downtown. Sex. Spells. Friends. Pubs. Quidditch. Family. London. Wands. Love. Firewhiskey. The Daily Prophet. Secrets. Owls. Diagon Alley. Beginnings. Endings. Conversation. Adulthood. Hexes. Charms. Careers. Relationships. Children. The Ministry. Marriage. Knockturn Alley. Alumni. Networking. Lust. Cosmopolitans. Sexuality. Growing. Shopping. Rebuilding. Change. Learning. Buying. Selling. Owning. Amortentia. Familiars. Parties. Siblings. Status. Politics. Money. Adventure. Choices. Socializing. Bonding. Mischief. Life!

Opened July 6th!

Epic Cycle: A Modern Adult Greek Gods RP

Time and again, attempts against the reign of Zeus failed, so Gaia waited. She waited until they were weakened, until they were all but forgotten, until the mortals had turned to false beliefs and abandoned the old, true ways... For hundreds of years, they have been living as mortals, dying and being reborn, banished from the immortal realm, living a perpetual existence of misery and mortality. But can the gods remember the ways of their past, and regain their rightful places?

Epic Cycle: A Modern Adult Greek Gods RP. Starting with Five Characters!

premise | rules | f.a.q.s | powers | characters | played bys | application | player contact

Back July 10th, 2009 Forward