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Back June 29th, 2009 Forward
John Smith [userpic]
The Doctor Would Like Your Company


If I wasn't online, I'd offer you some tea and chips or crisps for taking a look at |Hannibal's Hotel and Restaurant|. Unfortunately not even a Timelord can give you refreshments via your monitor. And I don't have to warn you to not blink either, unless you've abruptly found yourself in the company of angel statuary....

What I can offer is a chance to rp at a fun establishment created by one of the most distinguished gentlemen in time and space, none other than Lightbringer, aka Lucifer himself.

The Hotel collects welcomes characters from all fandoms. There are a few in particular who are being sought, such as those from Doctor Who or Harry Potter. But by no means is the wishlist limited to these two 'verses. Anyone who can join us and help find a way to escape....

Please take a look and join us.

|Hannibal's Hotel and Restaurant|

Back June 29th, 2009 Forward