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Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Quadrivium RPG

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

Halloween, 1981, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell at the hands of one-year old Harry Potter, bringing an end to a decade long reign of terror, to the relief of the entire Wizarding World. Death Eaters were imprisoned, wounds healed, and the Wizarding World spent the next decade healing from the pain of the first war. Yet, Voldemort was not truly defeated that night. He will rise once more, bringing upon another viscous war upon the Wizarding World.

Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their seventh-year at Hogwarts, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

They are at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead lies a mystery, which paths will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must continue on.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990. Game opened May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Terrence Higgs, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Quirinus Quirrell, Andromeda and Ted Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, Bill, Percy, and Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, Students, Teachers, and many others!

Back June 15th, 2009 Forward

Drop Box/FAQ ~ Premises ~ Rules ~ Application ~ Wanted/Hold Characters ~ Taken Characters

Calling all Heroes, Villains, and the in-between in the Heroes fandom.

Come join us in the year 2014, where a hunt for power went wrong and opened a rip in time, bringing in people from the past and future to over populate the world.

What will happen?

Anything can with President Sylar Nathan Petrelli in control.

We dare you to see how your character will prevail?

OC and AU children from Heroes lineup are also welcome.

Hollow Art

Everything you need, all in one place.
~ Layouts ~ PB Search ~ RPG Directory ~ Forums ~
Everything Hollow-Art had before and much, much more! Still one of the largest, most diverse bases archive on the internet, and it keeps growing! Requests opening back up soon!

Now even better than before: opening today Hollow Art Resources!
~ Textures ~ Screencaps ~ Tutorials ~ Brushes ~
Whether you’re looking for resources, or you want a place to post yours for other people to use!

Come be a part of Hollow-Art!

Taken / Held

Most Wanted
Have you ever experienced the following...
☐ Color changes in the iris depending on mood?
☐ Thoughts entering your mind that are not your own?
☐ Discoloration of the skin and/or hair, including pink, green and the all famous periwinkle?
☐ Elements bending to your will?
☐ Lightning actually striking those who cross you?
☑ A tall giant appearing in the middle of your bedroom in a burst of blue, sparkly orbs and claims he's from a school for mutants and would like to whisk you (yes, YOU!) away to this magical mansion where you can learn to control your abilites, continue school studies and possibly go out on a date in Paris during your free time?
Have you mutated recently?


Golden Apples Premise

Welcome to the Ministry of Magic annual summer gala! What's everyone been up to in the wizarding world? Want to catch up with your friends? Then you'd better attend this party. Everyone who's anyone will be there. And maybe you'll hear just the right gossip.

Golden Apples is a brand new Harry Potter RPG opening with a big party at fifteen characters. Great way to start off a game - meeting everyone at once! Join the party! Use the party to start developing storylines. You'll need those loved ones when the plot kicks off.

Wanted Characters

This is a brand new game, so most characters are still available! Angelina would like to see Alicia, Katie, and other Gryffindors and Quidditch players. Blaise & Draco would like to see more Slytherins. We have no Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs yet! Ministry workers and those with small seeing abilities wanted! Here's our wanted page!



Darkness Rising

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Darkness Rising RPG Community

"….Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing … The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere … panic … confusion …"

Across Europe the Wizarding Community lies in fear. Voldemort and his followers are on the rise, leaving behind a reign of terror in their wake. As his numbers increase, Wizards begins to grow more uneasy, increasingly choosing to fall prey to his Empire, out of fear, unwilling to stand up and fight.

In spite of the increasing danger, a small group of vigilante Wizards have begun a rebellion, daring to do what the Ministry fears to do; fight. The Order of the Phoenix is slowly growing into a force to be reckoned with, threatening not only Voldemort, but the Ministry itself.

Change is on the brink for the students of Hogwarts. No longer will they be safe behind the confines of the castle, unaware to the real dangers of the world. They will soon be forced to make their own loyalties known; a decision that will affect not only the rest of their lives, but the entire Wizarding World.

Amongst the darkness, these students are potentially the light needed to give the Order the man power to take on Voldemort’s forces. As both sides fight to gain support, one question lies: which side do you choose?

Darkness Rising is a canon compliant Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1978. Game opened February 1, 2009.

Most Wanted: Amelia Bones*, Alecto Carrow *, Amycus Carrow, Rabastan* and Rodolphus* Lestrange, Xeno Lovegood, Alastor Moody, Peter Pettigrew, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Rufus Scrimgeour*, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Andromeda Tonks*, and many others!

Asterisk's* indicate recasts. All recast information can be found here

back to action mods [userpic]
OC-only game based on MMPR!

Brand New Game!

In a time of chaos, confusion and uncontrollable crime, the world is desperate for some semblance of peace to return. The year is 2053 and - thanks to the ban on the Power Rangers having been lifted 9 years prior - the Project PR Academy is now not only thriving but producing some of the best and brightest Rangers to ever have been recorded in our history. Through rigorous training and extensive schooling, each Ranger has been taught to protect and serve their country and to use the power they've been gifted responsibly and effectively. New teams have started to form, a new way of life unfolding from the ruins of our past. This is the start of a new era, the age of peace and the time of the modern Power Ranger.
This is an OC/PB only game based on an old favorite; no fandom characters will be allowed at all, as the game is set slightly (roughly forty years) into the future. Political, fun, creative game atmosphere with room for growth and change in your characters. We need friendly and excited players who want to help make great story lines! Slash, femslash and het friendly. Currently we're looking for any character types from Rangers in training to destructive and rampant Villains and everything in between. Please don't be afraid to come up with more ideas if you have them; we want this to be an interactive and expanding atmosphere.
Game Premise | Rules | Character List | Application | FAQ | Held/Wanted


Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Recuperatio RPG

“Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on.”-Veronica Mars

Seven years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, finally bringing an end to his vicious reign of power and terror. Yet, the war did not end with his death. For years, the Wizarding World has worked to repair the damages left during the aftermath of war. Emotional burdens have yet to fully heal, too many lives destroyed, families torn apart, and friends lost. Hogwarts was left in rubble, unable to reopen for years, the damage too great, endless sweat and tears shed as people worked to rebuild the foundations to give their children a future. Death Eaters still roam free, cunningly avoiding even the best Aurors, leaving many in fear that another war will be on the horizon.

As things begin to resemble some semblance of normalcy, an old follower of Voldemort is in the wings, plotting his revenge, gathering the remaining Death Eaters and new followers, planning to unleash a new war, wanting to finish his master’s vision. In the Ministry, a serial killer is murdering powerful political figures, leaving everyone pointing fingers and letting things slip through the cracks. Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, butchering countless individuals as he runs from Aurors, gathering and making new werewolves in his travels, gathering an army to strike against the Ministry. All the while, the Muggle World is at war, affecting the Wizarding World as it heightens. The world is in complete chaos.

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt is determined to rebuild the Wizarding Community into a vision of peace and has called forth some of the best Aurors from around the world in an effort to clean up the United Kingdom, determined to capture and imprison the remaining Death Eaters and send a clear message of constant vigilance to those seeking to do more harm. Many are unhappy with the Minister’s plans, many seeking to replace him and other important individuals, some willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

The Wizarding World is torn between fully recovering and moving forward and taking two steps back, arriving right back where they left off seven years ago. A new war is on the brink, which side will you choose?

Recuperatio is a canon, non-epilogue compliant game taking place in 2005. Game opened June 06, 2009.

Most Wanted: Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Ernie McMillan, Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa Malfoy, Adrian Pucey, Bill, Charlie*, Fleur, George, Molly, Percy, and Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!

*contact mods before applying*

Rules | FAQ | Application | Taken | Contact List | Holds | Drop | Insta-Friends | IC Contact | Wanted


You wake up one morning with a headache, you wonder if you're hung-over but you didn't drink anything last night so that can't be it and after taking a painkiller and heading to work you forget all about it. A few days later you think you back to your childhood and there's a memory that doesn't fit, it doesn't make sense and you try not to think about it because it sets you and edge and makes you feel uncomfortable.

It doesn't stop.

Maybe weeks go by, or maybe it's months, and someone turns up on your doorstep. Maybe they look official, or they're wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, but they introduce themselves and tell you that they're from something called 'The Agency', they sit you down and if you're lucky they'll make you a cup of tea or pour you a drink before explaining it all to you.

The memories are real, but they're someone else's, someone you always thought of as fictional. You're what they call a reincarnate, someone who's been reincarnated from this fictional person, brought into this world with magic that no one yet understands.

They talk about a war that's being fought between two sides of reincarnates, the good and the bad. You're not told what side to pick or that you need to, but you know that a day will come when you and the person you were and are possibly becoming will need to choose.

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

Back June 15th, 2009 Forward