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Back November 29th, 2008 Forward

[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Application | Guidelines | Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are Tuesday, December 02nd! Get those applications in!
(Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG: A Gathering of Shadows

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

A king struck down before his court. A fugitive prince hiding in plain sight. A princess murdered in her bed. A great lord plotting against his own family...

An unwilling regent struggles to hold the land togather as fallen nobles scramble for power and vengeance. Outside powers offer treacherous gifts while plague ravages the countryside and outlaws gather in growing numbers...

Welcome to the Westeros.

In the game of thrones, you win or you die.

Nine centuries the Targaryens reigned, yet now the powers of the world watch with greedy anticipation as Westeros sinks into turmoil. The lords of the land have chosen one of their own to rule, but not one has forgotten their ancestors were kings of separate lands. Will there be Seven Kingdoms once more or will the Lords put aside their pride and bend the knee to the Iron Throne?

GENRE: fantasy, high fantasy, historical fantasy, feudalism, war

MOD CONTACT: agosmods [ a.t. ] gmail [ d.o.t. ] com


Back November 29th, 2008 Forward